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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. That’s not fair Eric. Blacks invented slavery, famine and cannibalism (although the last two cancel each other out) so slavery and loads of other clever things probably.
  2. The ‘fair and totally legitimate’ 2020 Presidential election? Oh that one, where 51 former or serving ‘intelligence experts’ lol prompted by the usual deep state suspects agreed to sign an open letter dismissing the Hunter Biden laptop as classic Russian disinformation, which gave Twitter, Facebook Google etc. and the fake news media of course the excuse (as if they needed one) to censor the story and prevent huge numbers of voters from even knowing about the Biden crime family’s corruption and Sleepy Joe’s involvement up to his neck in it. Election interference? I am honestly astounded that you still maintain your ridiculous stance regarding Donald Trump but I guess I must have stupidly credited you with a lot more intelligence than you keep showing yourself not to have (if any). Oh I almost forget sorry. Get fucked.
  3. If you don’t stop being nasty to me I’m going to cover myself in my own shit and not eat my dinner ever again.
  4. I haven’t Wolfie but I have some knowledge of the war against the Zulus which at first the English thought was gong to be a quick and relatively easy operation, but turned out to be anything but that. I know that the Zulu nation were fearsome opponents against the mighty British Army, despite being armed mainly with spears and facing the overwhelming firepower (Gatling guns etc.) of the British war machine. I guess it wasn’t the walkover the upper class toffs in London and the soppy cunt Lord Chelmsford who drew the short straw and was dispatched half way across the world to command the expedition arrogantly assumed it was going to be. Lions led by donkeys as usual, but the end goal was achieved eventually.
  5. If he laid off the White Lightning for a day or too he might realise that other shades of cheap cider are also available for the more inclusive, multi cultural drunkard. Even Alf Garnett enjoyed the occasional pint of Guinness when no one was looking.
  6. Mitch Kleftiko’s exact words upon discovering Frank (aged 7)s first of what would turn out to be many suicide notes.
  7. ‘FOX NEWS AGREES TO PAY DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS $767m’ ‘A few moments later’🤣 Yahoo News and Time Magazine are reporting that the CEO of Dominion Voting Systems has stated that the company looks unlikely to survive and will more than likely be going out of business very soon, due to the damage inflicted on their reputation during and following the 2020 Presidential election resulting in a large number of US States and other countries refusing to use their machines anymore.Lol lol lol. 🇱🇷TRUMP 2024 MAGA🇱🇷😘
  8. Have you ever considered identifying as sober?
  9. ‘Shakespeare was a Zulu. Not a lot of people know that.’
  10. A Twister mat would be more Franks style.
  11. Considering that he was shamefully targeted before, during and after his 4 year term in office by the corrupt leaders of the most powerful agencies in the country which he was the elected leader of, with the wilful collusion of the corporate fake news MSM, hoax investigation after hoax investigation which all failed of course, its a testament to the man that despite the huge financial and reputational loss to him and his entire family he’s still prepared to stand up and fight for his countries future. It’s not difficult to see the insane direction that the majority of the Western World have inexplicably embarked upon, and the urgent need for someone like Trump to say it like it is and not be worried about the critics, in the hope that enough people will finally wake up and realise the future the progressive left have planned for us all isn’t the rainbow coloured and happy clappy Utopia they’d like us to believe. The future’s bright the future’s ORANGE. 🇱🇷MAGA🇱🇷
  12. CNN 90 minute ‘Townhall with Donald Trump’ last week Wolfie. If you haven’t watched it mate I think you’ll find the answer to your question if you do. It’s a big fat YES by the way .
  13. Shut up you thick as turf idiot. When Vlads first ICBM hits London at least it’ll be game over for us instantly and we’ll just have to get used to being dust. You lot of cunts after two minutes of whooping and cheering will then be engulfed by the radioactive hurricane and most of you will probably survive but spend the next 100 years trying to fit your 3 arms into your donkey jackets and trying to remember what you looked like before your faces melted off. Bogland has always been regarded by the powerful nations of the civilised world as nothing more than a source of cheap and easily replaceable manual labour, and totally insignificant if the whole place happened to become collateral damage, which is the likely outcome. I mean who’s going to care about the future of a tin pot nation of illiterate fence sitting cowards, led by a mincing, rainbow flag waving poof? Finn McCool was an ABDL pampers wearing cunt. Lol lol lol.
  14. This half pint little cunt Zelensky has now got what he’s been constantly whining for ie the promise (if a brain dead stooge can actually make a legible promise) from Mr Potato Head Joe Biden (the most popular, absolutely fairly elected lol and successful President of the USA ever) of F16 fighter jets, and of course our David Dickinson lookalike, the unelected, billionaire, midget charwallah PM has backed this insane announcement, completely forgetting to mention that this grave decision takes us a huge step closer to WW3 (the one which will be a lot shorter than the previous 2 but with lots more mushroom clouds and an abundance of dust afterwards). KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON
  15. Do you mean swing your chopper around?
  16. Will you be using the SNP motorhome or is it still in the police pound?
  17. It’s not rape if he’s married to the 9 year old according to the Koran though. It’s God's work. Fucking dirty little fly magnet cunt. I’d like to hang him upside down by his sandals and go to work on his toes with the boltcutters, then merrily pedal off home on my bicycle knowing that I’d done my bit to save the planet.
  18. He travels in a half million pound bullet and bomb proof V8 Range Rover which is one of six Range Rovers making up his US Presidential style convoy when he ventures out in public for a photo shoot, followed by an interview on the Fakestream media to lecture Londoners about the necessity to scrap their cars and hire a bicycle or else. I want him dead.
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