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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. ……his ability to stand still on a stage without falling over? Lol lol.
  2. I’ve never had any reason not to trust him in the twenty years he’s been running my LA Christmas tree operation DC, apart from one time a few years ago when I found a fake $100 bill in the container load of cash which arrived at Tilbury Docks in mid February. And his imaginary Bentley has never let me down when I borrow it to go to the Oscars every year.
  3. Surely you can’t blame me for wondering why Moderna’s experimental concoction was being given emergency use authorisation, immunity from all civil damage liability and tens of billions of dollars worth of top secret supply contracts, considering that Moderna had never brought a vaccine or even more strangely any medicinal product at all to market anywhere on Earth? Perfectly normal I suppose? 💉😘 Stay warm.
  4. I know Decs, but sometimes I just can’t let the insufferable, post menopausal, self superior cuntess get away with her finger wagging routine. I know it would be easier to roll over and let her have a go on the big fella but I’m a stubborn cunt and I’m determined to make her wait for it as long I can. Tbh it’s only the damage it might do to Eddie’s already fragile mental health that’s stopping me from giving in and letting her have what she wants.
  5. I can picture her sitting in her wheelchair, mouth wide open at the ATM.
  6. Given his specialist knowledge of all things canine the biggest shock to me is that he’s mis-spelled bitch with a ‘w’. What a fucking idiot.
  7. I’m glad you’ve brought this up as it once again reveals your stupidity and stubborn refusal to actually know what you’re talking about before opening your gob. The ‘WHO pandemic preparedness treaty’ which was due to be finalised last June, but delayed due to the inconvenient objections of a few brave African leaders (How dare they!) is being further negotiated later this month, with the final draft published in early 2024 for rubber stamping, sorry ratification by all the so called sovereign governments involved and incorporated into the legally binding International Health Regulations. Despite the assurances of ministers that they would never allow national sovereignty to be overridden by the WHO the question is really ‘Why would our government feel it’s a good idea to be a signatory to something which gives the totally corrupt and unaccountable WHO, whose track record in dealing with health emergencies is abysmal, never mind the fact that they are undeniably in the pocket of the CCP? Remember Tedros told us all that Covid 19 wasn’t transmissible from human to human? Or when he then told us that it was but wearing a mask wouldn’t help, but then told us to all wear a mask, and that Covid 19 did not originate from the Wuhan Lab, then that it most likely did? Or when he told us all that the Chinese had done a fantastic job in controlling the spread of the batflu by locking down/imprisoning millions of people which he knew to be total BS, yet recommended the rest of the world to follow suit, unnecessarily and I would say intentionally causing the inevitable total collapse of the world economy? I could go on but I’m sure you must agree that giving even more power to this unaccountable cabal, especially those at the top of it who by the way have the added benefit of UN diplomatic immunity can’t be a good idea? The current draft of the amendments to the IHR should be enough for even you to question. (1) amendments to the 2005 IHR and (2) a pandemic treaty termed ‘CA+’ by the WHO (the treaty). Whereas to date the WHO has been empowered to issue recommendations, the proposed updates would empower the WHO to give legally binding directions, effective at the level of individual states, regionally or globally to…. 1. mandate financial contributions to fund pandemic response activities. 2. require the surrender of intellectual property and technologies. 3. mandate the manufacture and international sharing of vaccines and other health products capable of ‘improving quality of life’. 4. override national safety approval processes for vaccines, gene based therapies, medical devices and diagnostics. 5. require citizens to disclose their medical status. 6. forcibly quarantine and prevent citizens from travelling. 7. medically examine, inject or otherwise medicate citizens. There’s lots more but I’m sure that if you’ve read this far you will already be typing out your usual ‘You’re an idiot, there’s nothing to see here etc. etc.’ nonsense. Don’t bother though, just do everyone a favour and fuck off instead. Stay warm 😘
  8. A bit like your Y/fronts. lol lol lol.
  9. Of course they have. They’re fully signed up to the WEF globalist agenda now with Leo the curry chugger and thick Mick. Nationalism is the very thing that they’re ideologically opposed to now that they’ve tricked you all into falling asleep at the wheel with promises of delivering the Utopia of a United Ireland. Wake up and see them for what they are, a bunch of fraudsters who’ve ditched everything you believed they stood for with you. Question their agenda now and you’ll find yourself thrown under the wheelbarrow and labelled as ‘far right’. The fucking irony is hilarious.
  10. Pen will be breathing a sigh of relief that they’re locked up.
  11. ScatWest Shittybank Barklays Yorkshire (terrier) Building Society
  12. Fuck off Withers. I’m the biggest ‘thicko’ on here and even I wouldn’t fall for this. There’s a trap hidden here somewhere and I’ll find it eventually.
  13. You’ll all be scurrying up to The North shortly, frantically pushing your wheel barrows loaded up with your lifetimes belongings (absolute junk that the council tip wouldn’t even allow you to bin) claiming refugee status (probably on the grounds of homosexual persecution) and begging for sanctuary. The Islamic Republic of Spudistan will be happy to be rid of all you thick non believers as it will free up more hovels for even more of the new Irish citizens (the ones with the long beards, sandals and Dalek wives who loiter outside the few remaining primary schools that still have some white pupils). Tbh Pantsyboy I don’t actually believe that you live in Dublin or are even Irish. If you were who and what you pretend to be you couldn’t possibly be ignorant to the mass intake of Muslim vermin that Leo and Mick have intentionally decided to help invade your country and rolled out the red carpet for them, while turning their backs on the least fortunate indigenous citizens, and demonising as ‘far right bigotry etc. etc.’ the totally legitimate concerns of the growing thousands of ordinary people who are protesting every weekend against the destruction of their way of life, their historical culture and their right to have a say about their children's future or lack of one. So why not just delete your phoney CC account, swap the Blackberry phone you stole from the pocket of a beheaded GI for a manky halal chicken or a postcard with a picture of Mohammed and his 9 year old bride, crawl back into your cave in Bora Bora and count yourself lucky that you aren’t really Irish (just thick enough to pretend).
  14. I live in Hadley Wood. You’ve probably admired me driving through Barnet in my imaginary M4. I’m the good looking guy with the gorgeous bird and the perfect smile. Eat shit.
  15. Drew lives above the off licence in Jaywick. His Universal credit is sent directly to the shop owner and he’s still managed to rack up thousands of pounds of debt.
  16. This time next year you’ll be bigger than Blackrock and definitely the biggest investor in White Lightning. You’ve done very bloody well for yourself despite all your difficulties.
  17. That’s far too easy Drew. Surely you’ve been sober enough at least once to have seen the video of Bill Gates, George Soros and Klaus Schwab in the cave at Davos, hysterically laughing about how many clicks to turn the interest rate knob up? And have you never wondered why the price of ‘White Lightning’ mysteriously goes up the next day too? ‘Global finance’….fucking simple for some of us who know what we’re talking about.
  18. As you well know by now I’m not one to kick a severely wounded adversary who’s plainly unable to offer anything meaningful back. I suspect you’re umpteenth mRNA booster jab must be well overdue and almost impossible to find now that they’ve become just about as popular as a steaming turd on a stick to the millions of terrified fools (you) who not very long ago were queuing up obediently 2 metres apart with their face nappies on because your fellow ‘big brains’ like Matt Hancock etc. told you to. But as a gesture of my goodwill and sympathy for how stupid you must feel now I’m prepared to accept a grovelling apology and let bygones be bygones, at least until you’re in a better mental and physical state to engage with me. Perhaps you should lock yourself in a Google free dark room for a few weeks and have a serious chat with yourself about how and why it’s all gone so horribly wrong for you. At least that way one of you will be able to walk out having won the argument. I hope it works out for you. No need to thank me, an apology will suffice.
  19. 🎶The ships boy’s name was Fwanky His arse was raw and manky The whole crew smashed his back doors in Then made him walk the planky🎶
  20. 🎶T’was on the good ship Venus By Christ you should have seen us The figurehead was Pen in bed With his monster of a penis.🎶
  21. Is there any specific reason you’ve jumped in to defend mentally disturbed freaky men pretending to be women?
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