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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. If there really was a God you wouldn’t fucking exist. Fuck off.
  2. Boo hoo 😪. Get fucked.
  3. Reported for playground inference.
  4. Bullshit. Never happened.
  5. This is actually the most interesting post you’ve ever made. But still a steaming pile of boring shite nevertheless. Fuck off.
  6. It seems to me that you’re becoming more and more obsessed with me with every day that passes. Whilst I do find this approach ever so slightly flattering, I feel it’s my duty to make it 97% clear to you that you’ve currently got no more than a 3% chance of realising the sexual fantasies which are undoubtedly the root cause of your embarrassing behaviour. Keep dreaming. 😘
  7. Stick to subjects you fully understand Panzertanky. Obviously that excludes everything except potato’s, wellies, smearing yourself in shite and slurping The Vulcan's bumhole, instead of eating your dinner up like the good little simpleton which against all expectations you’ve worked very hard to become. 🇬🇧 REMEMBER 1690 🇬🇧
  8. DC I’m buckling under the onslaught I’ve been taking from The Vulcan recently. You’re the only one on here who’s advice I trust. Shall I kill myself immediately, or desperately try to hang on for a few hours till Andrew Tate phones me back when he’s worked out a plan to finish the unfuckable cunt off? I keep asking myself ‘What would Jesus do?’
  9. Anyone who ever slags off Mick Lynch again better shut the fuck up. Imagine how many more passengers would be dead but for his quick thinking to shut down the rail network here? The man’s a hero and deserves a medal, or at the very least an honorary wig.
  10. I’m sure she’ll be delighted to hear this great news.
  11. Have you considered the damage you’re single-handedly causing to the already fragile peace process Panzybumboy, which could easily be reversed by simply withdrawing your outstretched tongue from the farthest depths of her wide open cavernous arsehole? She’ not even German ffs.
  12. Absolutely brilliant as usual. I’m totally in awe of your unequalled ability to forensically debunk the deranged rantings of a ‘thicko’ like me, and even more impressed that you deem my output of what is clearly dis and misinformation worthy of your highly valuable time. But there’s one little problem (obviously an unintentional error on your part, which must happen from time to time when you’re furiously ‘fact-checking’ ) I noticed in your smug self superior (sorry consistent) reply above, which I feel I must point out to you, as I know you would never make anything up thinking you know better than a fool like me. When you said ‘On the strength of Moderna’s first product, a mRNA vaccine for influenza’ were you referencing the ‘mRNA-1010’ seasonal influenza vaccine? I assume you were as you’re not the smartest biscuit in the box, and would that also be the same product which in mid April this year was still in ongoing stage 3 trials? The same product which Moderna themselves stated in April ‘hasn’t been able to prove success in an interim analysis of the ongoing stage 3 trial and did not meet the statistical threshold necessary to declare early success’, causing a 6.45% overnight drop in the share price? Just asking. Stay stupid.🤣😘
  13. Eric’s not dead DC. He just threw me out of Faces in Gants Hill and told me never to come back.
  14. You’ve been away on a plumbing course haven’t you Eric? I knew you weren’t really dead.
  15. Franks thoughts on any male discussing the Ancient Hellenic art of arse fucking are as predictable as his Rocky videos and aren’t likely to surprise anyone (especially Mitch RIP)….“Yeah I’d definitely give his charcoal grilled shitter a good seeing to while spanking his bare buttocks with one of my new gay as fuck overpriced loafers”.
  16. BREAKING NEWS…….Philip Schofield returning to ‘This Morning’ on Monday, with Harvey Price confirmed as permanent replacement for Holly Willoughby. ‘Loose Women’ given a makeover, renamed ‘Slack Fannies’ and fronted by Katie Price, Judy Finnegan and Vanessa Felch.
  17. No one exists RK. I have peer reviewed proof of that from a reliable source on the internet. I’d like to see The Vulcan try to debunk that, the fat slag.
  18. White supremacists every one of them, if I’m not mistaken. I reckon Dr. Shola or Femi Olubabluwalaleula would be worth ringing about this outrage next time one of them is on the Jeremy Vine Show.
  19. Aw go on luv. One last time. Pretty pretty pretty please? 😘
  20. And once you’ve smothered it in garlic and sautéed it (fried for everyone except you poncy, ‘Allo allo’ beret wearing, inbred Aryan/Gallic mongrels) I’m sure it would go down a treat with your ‘plait de jour’ (snails, frogs legs and a massive baguette inserted in your derrière). Fuck off. ‘Rapidement!’
  21. I don’t have any thpughts on the matter at all. Can I get back to cock watcching now?
  22. Fortune…Article by Naomi Kressge and Bloomberg.. Nov.19.2020 / 2.04 AM. Headline…. ‘Moderna has never distributed a product before. A Swiss company is here to help’. But ‘Whoa there Calamity Jane’. Before you start creaming your XXXXL Tena pants, lubricating your saddlebags and jumping up and down shouting ‘distributed, you thicko!’ it goes on to say ‘In contrast to pharma giant Pfizer inc., it’s closest US rival in the race for a Covid shot, the biotech has no other marketed products and has never had to build out distribution channels for a medicine. Perhaps you might find the time to inform Wikipedia too that Spikevax wasn’t Moderna’s ‘first rodeo’ and let them know which other products Moderna had previously brought to market? Apart from that and all the rest of the puerile nonsense you’re absolutely spot on as usual. 👍
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