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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Life’s not solely about money Panzybeggar, a fact of life which you as a lifelong member of the unwashed dole scrounging underclass couldn’t begin to comprehend unless your giro failed to arrive.
  2. Hopefully whoever is lucky enough to kill you soon will be rewarded for ‘justifiable freakicide’ or at worst be cautioned for ‘euthanising an unidentifiable species without a veterinary licence’.
  3. The Archbishop of Cunterbury with his usual impeccable sense of timing has stood up in the House of Lords and made a speech in which he stated that George Floyd should and may be deified. Amongst the flow of shite which poured from the cunt following this extraordinary announcement, one of the reasons which helped him come to this position was the ‘historical lack of diversity in the sainthood’. Im all for it tbh and can’t wait for St. Ghengis Khan, St. Pol Pot, St. Idi Amin, St. Mamuar Gadaffi, Richard Ramirez (patron saint of night stalkers). etc. etc. etc. Oh and mustn’t leave out St. Shabir Ahmed of Rotherham (patron St. of child rape) if true diversity is to be achieved. This could be the answer to why the Christian churches are dying out, lack of diversity in the sainthood of course. Welby is a grade A+ cunt and I hope that when the fucking stupid fucking cunt dies soon from bad AIDS or anal and penile Monkeypox (or both probably) that God sends Jesus and his crew down to the pearly gates, proper tooled up, to mercilessly beat seven shades of shit out of the useless woke cunt until he’s dead again.
  4. ‘You can wash it with soap You can wash it with soda But you’ll never get rid of the Grimsby odour.’ Northern birds love poetry.
  5. Why have the MSM or the Notts Police not stated that the 31 year old man/ape who’s been arrested is an immigrant from West Africa? Instead trotting out the usual bollocks that people shouldn’t speculate on the motives or the background of the suspect nearly a day after the incident? I wonder if it was a skinhead Millwall fan in custody would they be so keen not to let their viewers know?
  6. Wop the fuck are you saying?
  7. At least the van was white. It’ll probably be blamed for the whole thing.
  8. Perhaps you’re right Panzybummer for once. I suggest we merge our bonfire season and your Pride season into one. Once everyone gets used to the aroma of blazing poofs we can all live happily ever after together. Well maybe just us. Lol. 🇬🇧 REMEMBER 1690 🇬🇧
  9. Pfizer/BioNTech could launch their latest ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental cocktail in a blitz of advertising, call it ‘The final solution’ and the cuntess would be showing Holly and Phil the nonce how jumping the queue should be done, with both sleeves rolled up and insisting that she must have two doses because she’s vastly more intelligent than everyone else and civilisation would immediately collapse without her.
  10. I started thinking about where exactly ‘abroad’ your unique talents might be urgently needed to bang some heads together?…..Ukraine? Central or South America (again)? lol The Middle East? Pakistan? and then I remembered hearing that Legoland Windsor were struggling to recruit an experienced female (Mensa member preferred) to train as a ‘Chief teacups operator’. I hope it works out for you as it can’t be easy for you as a middle to old age Welsh person starting a new life in a far away civilised country like England. Get fucked😘
  11. The loud cracking noises won’t be her knuckles. It’ll be her old man’s knees and ankles as he rushes up the stairs like a tortoise in a K hole, mumbling ‘Oh shit she’s off on one again. I hate that cunt Billy for doing this to her again.’
  12. Now that the world is slowly waking from their 3 year Covid 19 hibernation, nervously lifting up their face nappies and coming out from behind their sofas or crawling out from under their beds to go forward into the ‘new normal’ future that’s been generously and meticulously planned for them by their brave leaders (Net zero lunacy, digital IDs, 15 minute cities, cashless society, internet censorship, Marxist indoctrination of your children from day one at nursery school till they’re fully ‘on message’ and ready to head out into the brave new world of left wing fascist activism and fight the existential threat to civilisation which as we all know (thanks to the BBC etc.) is white, working class men and women that refuse to allow their precious little offspring to be castrated or mastectomised and live a childless but much more happy life until they realise what a fucking mistake they’ve made and kill themselves live on Facebook, with all their ‘friends’ cheering them on). Anyway, the huge worldwide increase in excess deaths compared to the previous 5 year average, which should in a non clown world be at least somewhere near the top of the list of serious issues to be reported by the fake news MSM and investigated by the politicians and medical ‘experts’ (trust the science) as a matter of urgency. But of course that’s not the way it works anymore. Because the very same politicians, medical ‘experts’ and scumbag MSM who are responsible for causing the problem are the very same cunts who are now jumping the sinking ship like the rats that they’ve always been and hoping to slip away into obscurity before anyone points the finger at them. The lack of urgency to discuss or even acknowledge the millions of excess deaths currently, in stark comparison to the so called ‘pandemic’ which turned out to be about as deadly as all of Withers’ terminal cancer diagnosis’ and led to the entire world being locked down by tyrannical politicians on the ‘scientific’ advice of the WHO etc. is astounding really. Or is it? It couldn’t possibly be that the corrupt cabal of usual suspects who are to blame haven’t quite distanced themselves enough from the facts yet? Over to you Mrs. Roops. Get Fucked.😘
  13. ‘That money was just resting in my account Dougal.’ ’Ahh come on now Ted’.
  14. Your ‘Pride Season’ which started off as ‘Pride Day’ and has evolved into a month long celebration of rampant deviance, male buggery and all things nonce related, thanks to the hard work of Leo the ‘bumfucker in chief’ and his dedicated army of Sinn Fein ‘freedom felchers’ has a lot further to go before even coming close to our ‘hating season’ which has long been 24/7 365 and even has the bonus of an extra days hating every 4 years. We taught you peasants everything you know, not everything we fucking know. Fuck off. Lol
  15. That’s fucking weird. I was just thinking about what it might say on your death certificate. Fuck off.
  16. Is that a shuttlecock or a turkeybaster?
  17. Never met him but he seemed allright to me. Mainly because loads of cunts who’d never met him either and who I’d like to physically torture never seemed to get tired telling everyone who’d listen how much they hated him. Politics is fucking simple really once you understand it like me.
  18. She’s called Stella.
  19. If they’d selfishly held a couple of doses of the mRNA wonder vax back for themselves they would probably be living life to the full still with not a care in the world apart from maybe a bit of DVT, myocarditis or the imminent prospect of dropping dead at any moment when Bill Gates presses the big red 5G button Lol.
  20. He’d turn poopergrass and spend the rest of his life in shitness protection.
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