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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. That one’s long gone Gypps. My new imaginary Tera yacht ‘The Eclipse’ (162.5m) which I recently acquired from Roman Abramovich for a very reasonable sum of cash and a free Christmas tree every year for life, came with its full crew of grade A+ prozzies included, is currently at Harland and Wolff in Belfast for a major refit and name change. I’ve not yet made a final decision on the name but it’ll either be ‘MV GUSTY SPENCE’ or ‘MV MICHAEL STONE’. I’m inclined towards the latter as I’m having a 76.2mm/60 AK-176 mounted on the bow and I think Michael would appreciate it if we let rip at Milltown Cemetery (the scene of his heroic mission) as we slipped quietly out of Belfast harbour and on our way out to the Irish Sea and the N. Atlantic to blast the shit out of some icebergs. Tbh I never realised that it was a full time job being a billionaire, but ‘hey ho’ I guess some people have it worse than me so I’m not going to moan about my lot.
  2. The only explanation I can think of is that there must be something in that sub which will finally nail Donald Trump and send him to Death Row before the 2024 election. 🤣
  3. It’s on ‘No air B and B’
  4. ‘Up periscope’. Lol Fuck off.
  5. Kindly refrain from this type of anti-Titanic hate speech Gypps as I have a personal family connection with the finest vessel ever to take to the seas. My great grandfather worked as a riveter at Harland and Wolf shipyard for most of his adult life until he was almost 30, the first two years building the Titanic. And despite a lot of malicious allegations that his City and Guilds riveting certificate was a forgery, nothing was ever proved beyond a reasonable doubt. As for this missing sub bullshit story, it’s got all the hallmarks of a MSM fake news distraction psyop. I hope it’s not as I’d like to see every one of the cunts dead anyway. Jacque Cousteau was a cunt.
  6. Another one resigns. David Warburton admits to taking cocaine after ‘drinking a huge amount of seriously strong Japanese Whiskey’ but denies sexually harassing a female colleague. I guess the seriousness of being accused of something heterosexual has sunk in and he’s realised that the entire House of Commons would never forgive or forget the possibility of such perverted intentions by an honourable member.
  7. A rolled up copy of Farmers Weekly is what I normally use.
  8. Tbf Ape all spastics are odd.
  9. Whilst totally agreeing with everything you say Snowy as we obviously share a similar level of disdain for the insufferable cunt, I hope your bin lorry’s electronics and suspension settings etc. are in good shape, as should either suffer an unexpected, catastrophic failure, she (being the self declared no.1 big brain expert in these fields) may choose to ignore your pleas for help in getting it and all your colleagues back on the road. Every time I drive my imaginary M4 nowadays all I can think of is ‘please don’t break down or I’ll have to let the horrible cunt suck my massive dick or scrap you’. A genuine ‘no win’ situation for me.
  10. It wouldn’t look out of place in a Bangladeshi IKEA advert.
  11. People who have photos of themselves hanging in their own home Caroline Flack?
  12. Am I the only one to have noticed how infinitely better it’s been since the ginger hag announced she was fucking off for a few days to ‘bang some heads together’. I assume she’s gone to Davos with Bill Gates or a top secret G7 conference in another hollowed out mountain somewhere. She must know her very limited talents are simply not up to the job on here, so it’s only a matter of time imo before she PMs me a grovelling (but sincere) apology for all of her previous laughably futile attempts to engage in combat with me, and begs for mercy, (or at best a swift execution) when I’m minded to finally dispatch her.
  13. Cricket’s a poofs game according to an expert on the internet.
  14. How do you pull a fat bird? Piece of cake. Lol lol.
  15. I will if you kill yourself first.
  16. I would genuinely feel slightly sad for 499 of the cunts if it was announced that the other one was Frank. But it’s very unlikely the greaseball arse bandit would be substantial enough to even sink.
  17. You would say that wouldn’t you, considering the massive statistical advantage you’ve been blessed with. Put the tape measure away, manhandle the beast back into your Y-fronts and fuck off back to the chamber of horrors at The London Dungeon before the customers start demanding their money back.
  18. He definitely wouldn’t have any understanding, never mind personal recollection of a menstrual period, the size 18 footed, heavy hung, square jawed, Desperate Danalike, cow pie eating man beast.
  19. Unfortunately you can’t help who you fall in love with DC. She does sound like an absolute pile of shit although you’re probably lucky to have her. 🤣
  20. I’m sure Mr Patel the off licence owner could think of one.
  21. ‘What the fuck is wrong with you woman? How many times do I have to tell you you’re taking it up the arse. Four?’
  22. I’d be surprised if you were able to see anything past that humungous cock of yours, especially with your 300+ year old eyes.
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