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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Does your auntie have a moustache and a hairy back?
  2. She’s from New York. Their total lack of personal hygiene is comparable to the disgusting vermin who reside in France.
  3. Music is only for poofs and other degenerates. Fucking awful invention. They can stick it up their arses and fuck off.
  4. Why not wait till you get to Jamaica and buy one there on the beach?
  5. Totally agree Eric. That’s why you’ll never hear me boasting about my fabulous collection of super expensive watches which are worth millions and are far better than anyone elses. What would be the point when I can only wear two at a time like everyone else?
  6. Pull your greasy garlic infused old maggot out of whatever terrified goose you’re abusing tonight and up your fucking game before cancer season arrives again Withers. I suspect that even Frank must be disappointed with your current efforts, you fucking fossilised cheese eating surrender monkey.
  7. Just started showing a profit after all this time DC. I’m not complaining as I’ve always said ‘If you push hard you always get back more than you Putin’. I’ve told her if she keeps up the hard work we might just be able to post her husband a pair of her heavily soiled knickers to the frontline for Christmas if he’s still alive, and if she smashes it out of the park, maybe even a kinder egg each for the kids if they haven’t been blown up at the orphanage. I’ve got high hopes for the girl but it’s up to her if she wants the good life enough to knuckle down and put her back into it.
  8. If I’d known she was still alive I’d have carried on walking past . Only got myself to blame I suppose.
  9. I sold it on eBay DC. I advertised it as Vincent Van Gogh’s left ear which my great Grandfather had found beside a litter bin in Arles, Southern France on Christmas Eve 1888 when he was driving home for Christmas in his imaginary prototype Citroen DS, listening to Chris Rea on the in car gramophone player which wasn’t officially ever a factory fitted option, but you know me, I never let the truth get in the way of a far fetched tale. Ask the Vulcan.
  10. Just knowing which floor she was dropped (thrown?) from many years ago (when she first learned to talk) and landed on her head would suffice DC. I’d have to guess at least the 20th, based on her complete lack of self awareness and understanding of reality. It’s a crying shame really. If I wasn’t such a heartless, narcissistic, thicko loser I’d possibly consider giving her the big fella up the wrongun (one time only) as a charitable gesture, but she’d probably take it the wrong way lol lol. And tbh I would never insert my massive, jab free, pureblood sausage inside her rancid, experimental mRNA riddled, lab grown vagina, no matter how sorry I genuinely feel for the stupid cunt.
  11. Well I’ve told you to ‘Get fucked’ many times. How can that not be right? You’re a fucking embarrassment luv. Mensa my firm bronzed buttocks. lol. Stay deluded, sad and lonely.
  12. Mince on you fucking relic. You’re an embarrassment.
  13. More boring as fuck word salad from the sites blowhard SuzyDentalike windbag. See if you can unscramble this very tricky little nine letter conundrum…..GETFUCKED. 😘
  14. The ‘Dublin Brain Surgery Institute’ as it’s formally known.
  15. The police have no jurisdiction below 5000 ft. anyway.
  16. Speak to Drew. He repaired his own fridge with nothing more than a terminal screwdriver one Saturday night and he’s only ever boasted about it once on here. The man’s an engineering genius. There’s nothing he can’t do (unless he’s plastered).
  17. Like the rustle of a fifty pound note HoC.
  18. Someone should have given you away to Myra Hindley and Ian Brady.
  19. Hats off to Rolex for having a Somalian ‘Authorised dealer’ located on the beach at Southport to tell you all about their purchases and let you have one of his precision masterpieces too. I wouldn’t be seen dead in public without my Submariner Hulk tbh DC.
  20. What’s his name? I might know him, probably fucked his sister or his mum. You should try it one day if you ever get the chance (fucking a female) I mean. There’s more to life than bumming fat old men for Guinness and Amber Leaf money. You might even enjoy the novelty of the experience, although I wouldn’t tell the judge that, at least until after he’s sentenced you.
  21. King Billy


    I bet the slippery cunt has done just that while I’ve been away Eric. She’ll be in full back-pedalling mode now that I’m back. I feel really sorry for Eddie. He’s a mate of mine and doesn’t deserve to be treated like that, even if he is a black cunt.
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