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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. The prospect of waking up some day soon and realising that I’ve become a small pile of radioactive dust while I’ve been sleeping isn’t a major concern to me RK, as I’ve been watching a lot of videos on the internet about what to do after that happens, and all I’m going to say is that I’ve made all the necessary preparations, which I’m pretty sure very few on here have. Forward thinking has always been my game.
  2. You slippery cunt Raas. Be careful though as the second she tires of gorging on your big bamboo she’ll devour you like the ginger Welsh praying mantis that she is. My advice is kill her and PM me the pictures.
  3. If you seriously believe any of the shit you’ve been dripfed about this ‘war’ RK then I’m very disappointed mate. Todays thrilling episode of the Ukraine reality TV show had the puppet President Vlod (in full GI Joe khaki costume) welcoming the cabals favourite climate goblin Greta ‘How dare you!’ Cuntberg to his movie set headquarters in Kiev (Hollywood) and thanking the stunted, titless little gargoyle for coming to offer her profound advice on ‘net zero’. I bet seeing that will have put the fear of Godsky into Putin for sure. This could be the decisive blow that finishes him.
  4. Load of bollocks the whole fake news story. About as far fetched as a large tin of Beluga caviar from Moscow, or Rishi Sunak attempting to fill up his VW Golf at the BP garage. BREAKING NEWS…..EVERYONE WATCHING IS A CUNT.
  5. Where the fuck are Frank and Punkers when their specialist expertise is needed?
  6. Fucking freak. I bet they were terrified when they saw you lurking in their garden.
  7. That’s a bit unfair Eric. He hasn’t stabbed him yet.
  8. Load of bollocks RK. The whole Ukraine psyop has been nothing more than a CIA distraction /money laundering exercise from day one. And the rest of the Western World’s so called leaders have lined up in lockstep to impose abject poverty on the millions of stupid fucking deluded morons who elected them all into the positions of power which permits the cunts to shit all over them as soon as the polling stations closed. Have you wondered why there’s been an almost complete lack of actual video footage of this so called ‘war’? Nowadays when every cunt films everything on their phones it’s just the odd five seconds or so which the MSM have carefully edited to highlight whatever fake news pro/Ukraine anti/Russian story they’re pushing on any particular day. It’s all bollocks and anybody who can’t see it is a 100% cunt.
  9. I’ll pay for your flight to Tehran and the surgery if you promise never to come back.
  10. Raaaston Martin?
  11. I resisted the overwhelming urge to involve The Vulcan, mainly because she’s a well documented ginge and Eddie’s a very jealous man. Who knows what he’d do if he suspected the alien had a secret, fat, ugly, whining, Tourettes singing sprog.
  12. Saddique Khan says that 4 million people a day die because of air pollution in London, and that his data shows that white cars driven by white supremacist Tory Party, Brexiteer bigots are 99.9% responsible. The other 0.1% of deaths are innocent black or Asian people choked by racist white coppers who drive around in white police cars.
  13. Meatloaf and Ann Widdecombe’s love child.
  14. Fuck off Raas. I always put at least a fiver in the tank every couple of weeks.
  15. there will .. some doubting the size of your brain now. MENSA lol lol lol.
  16. Good tip Raas. I might need that 60p one day.
  17. Ive got a duffle coat. What do you have to say about that?
  18. I’d like to know how he knows my mum was a slag. I’m wondering if he might be my dad, in which case I want him dead.
  19. He’s a deterrent to anyone thinking of dabbling.
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