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King Billy

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Everything posted by King Billy

  1. Lucky you didn’t have any other family to laugh at your shame at least. Fuck off.
  2. There’s no such thing as a very cheap inflatable dinghy anymore Eric. 2 to 3 year waiting list and that’s if you can even find an Albanian dinghy dealer willing to speak to you.
  3. Leftie talking head cunt spewing out the usual ‘Orange man bad’ narrative in the Independent which is read only by a few sad morons who are all long past the need to be persuaded about the evil threat to democracy posed by Donald J Trump. That’s now an indisputable fact, just like ‘the Covid science’, ‘climate change’ , ‘global boiling’, ‘the male hierarchy’, ‘unconscious racism’, ‘the rise of the far right’, ‘the need to welcome millions of immigrants’, ‘the impartiality of the BBC lol’ etc. etc. etc. which can all be fact checked and verified incase there are any knuckle dragging stragglers still left out there who haven’t been paying attention to our entitled masters and intellectual superiors over at the Guardian, The Independent and the rest of the bog roll daily’s who’ve told us what we have to believe if we’re to be part of the new normal. He’s just another leftie grifter who’s decided it’s far easier and more beneficial to himself to ignore what he knows to be right and fall in line with the ranks of the upside down, back to front clown world that is the 21st century unfortunately (or a spineless fucking gimp as cunts like him would have been known as in the past).
  4. Giant Conger eel in dry ice with a mushy salsa verde side? £1500 plus service charge.
  5. I sold Golda Meir a clapped out, twice round the clock Volvo estate years ago DC. She seemed OK for an old shit cunt so I knocked a few bob off the asking price after five or six hours of serious bartering and even lent her 20 quid for petrol as she said she’d only brought her cheque book with her and promised to send me a big parcel of gold teeth and wedding rings as soon as she got home as a thank you gesture. The cheque bounced and I never heard from the cunt again, but I did see the motor advertised in the Jewish Chronicle classifieds some time later as ‘1 owner, low mileage and reluctantly for sale due to six million sudden deaths in the family’. The asking price was substantially higher than all the brand new cars on the forecourt at Golders Green Volvo. ‘Oy vey’ indeed.
  6. I’d love to see what Heston Blumenthal would conjure up for the ‘Todays Special’ menu if he was only allowed 2 ingredients……Pens severed trouser snake and a large tin of marrowfat peas?
  7. That’s more like it. Have a large one on me.
  8. Reported for going too easy on she/her/it/wtf? I bet Pen’s got his big magnifying glass out, squinting at the gorgeous Admiral Levine and sobbing himself to sleep (alone of course as he has no family or friends) thinking about the hundreds of years he pathetically wasted as a BR ticket inspector instead of stowingaway onto The Mayflower and chasing the American dream.
  9. ‘Sleeping with the Shihtzus Fredo’.
  10. The truth is that her absolute refusal to ever consider the possibility that she’s been wrong about the myriad of topics that I and others including yourself have spoken about for several years now and which many if not most have transpired to be conspiracy fact rather than conspiracy theory has turned this into a battle of staying power as you’ve rightly pointed out Fends. It’s a shame that she can’t uncross the tangled up wires in her massive too smart for MENSA brain and attempt to redeem herself for her past behaviour. I’m a reasonable sort of bloke and speaking purely for myself I’d be willing to take my foot of her Turkey neck on receipt of a comprehensive and grovelling public apology and a legally binding undertaking to never post anything in future unless I’ve given at least 24hrs to approve it or far more than likely not. In the meantime she has my full permission to get fucked.
  11. ‘Jacob, have you seen the tea cosy anywhere?
  12. Hopefully he’s followed your recipe to the letter, decided he’s not very hungry and is now frantically searching the cupboards of his last minute.com airBnB log cabin in the blazing woods on Rhodes for a suitably large Tupperware container to snugly fill his overstretched arsehole before his AIDS ravaged lungs succumb to the smoke. Fucking charcoal legged crispy Greek faggot.
  13. There must be a reason the decomposing old fossil forces himself to carry on breathing nowadays. I’m wondering if the Natural History Museum, the British Transport Museum, the London Dungeon and several travelling freak shows are involved in some sort of bidding war with him for his remains?
  14. Sam Smiths lawyers might have something to say about that.
  15. Old? yes. Poof? of course, but idiotic? no as he can’t help being a stick legged old cunt and he’s the best on here at the poofery lark so he deserves a little credit for his longevity and work ethic at least Ed.
  16. …… a massive fight broke out in the car park over the sale of a dog?
  17. Have I ever mentioned the time I swam handcuffed up Niagara Falls in a pair of tight fitting swimming trunks I made myself from a wooden barrel that my old man concealed in his anus for 4 years in a Japanese POW camp on the Isle of Wight?
  18. Gordon is a mormon. I’m not.
  19. Only white supremacists refer to it as ‘The Notting Hill carnival’ nowadays Eric. Ethnics and all their middle class wigger cheerleaders in the MSM and the Metropolitan elites know that the correct term is simply ‘carnival’ usually followed by everyone nodding their heads and pulling their best well practiced knowing smile. Tbh I can’t see the point of ‘carnival’ anymore. You can get yourself stabbed anywhere in London now without having to put up with the fucking crowds and listen to all that fucking dreadful bongo bongo jungle shit while you’re bleeding to death on the pavement with half a dozen chimps going through your pockets. Rice and peas my hairy white arse. Fuck off.
  20. I couldn’t possibly comment on that Eric for legal reasons. The Vulcan will probably issue a carefully drafted statement on the matter tomorrow pointing out that the BBC are the backbone of British society, respected by all and trusted all over the world and most importantly dedicated to employing only the most morally decent and impartially honest staff that they can throw billions of pounds of hard working U.K. taxpayers cash at for doing fuck all actual work mostly. Huw Edwards is still a noncing cunt though and pretending to be a fucking dribbling fruitcake doesn’t alter that fact imo.
  21. ‘Highly valued staff members’ I would call them usually. During the ‘pandemic’ they would have fallen into the ‘essential workers’ category except for the unfortunate fact that they were all long dead and therefore unavailable for work. ‘Unreliable, presumed dead’ I think would be about right all things considered.
  22. Shut your fucking five o clock shadowed Desperate Dan face you disgusting freak. I bet even Sam Smith wouldn’t be seen dead in public with you. Tuck your bell end in and fuck off back to the Tavistock Clinic and ask for your money back.
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