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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. I only use WhatsApp, FaecesBook and CuntsCorner but the amount of times I've had a Facebook post deleted because I thought I was talking to someone like ChildeH on CuntsCorner and posted that he's a thick fucking mongloid cunt. Mark Zuckberg doesn't like that sort of language apparently and he also rattles on about some other bollocks about hate speech.
  2. FFS you stupid cunt, all that nodding and your poor brain cell rattling around in your vacuous skull will cause it to get damaged. Oh, what the fuck, you weren't using it anyhow, were you?
  3. He probably thinks Battersea is a bank for his dirty deposits.
  4. Do you have any geese as well? Asking on behalf of a cunt who also posts on here.
  5. I must say that I've never thought to refer to my bollocks as hens. Nice work.
  6. Doesn't your cock get in the way of the direction of travel. (I'm assuming 'front lawn' is a euphemism)
  7. Not forgetting the fact that even the musical tastes of a dumb-as-fuck animal such as a bear would struggle to knock out some shapes to the absolute pish that litters the airwaves today.
  8. You were my odds on favourite for the battle of the mongs with ChildeH but after this latest effort I'm not so sure. Out of likes.
  9. Sorry, let her toss my caber while I fiddled with her sporran. (for a loose Scottish connection)
  10. Who would have thought that someone with the surname Patel can't wait to fuck all these foreigners off out of the UK. I like her and I would willingly plough her minge, from behind of course.
  11. Prehaps it's going to be the party that, like the Swedes, is going to tell the Syrians to fuck off back home now that the war is over.
  12. If you say so. Personally, I'm not at all interested in the gays.
  13. Evening Mr N'Stein. How are things going re-animating Ming?
  14. Is it alright if I call you Aitch like that similarly annoying fucking bender 'H' from Steps??
  15. Thrown in the white flag like a typical French cunt. Don't let it be Scrotes, you fucking stinking, garlic munching frog.
  16. I heard it was more Vietnamese catfish than egg fried rice.
  17. You stupendously thick cunt. White asbestos, or more commonly known as Chrysotile because grown ups aren't interested in the colour, is the safest of the 6 types of asbestos fibre because when it fractures it produces a serpentine fibre (similar to your pubic hair when you get some) and therefore less likely to penetrate and get stuck in the lining of your lung. Do some research before your next post or better still, fuck right off.
  18. Out of likes for that masterpiece of cunting.
  19. I'm late to this party but, has somebody removed the name of a dog breed from Cockies original post?? ie. "that's one 'Spaniel' I'd love to have porked"
  20. Fucking little cunts wouldn't be moaning if they were making shit loads of money. Unfortunately with interest rates at historic lows any significant profit is hard to find and with borrowing so cheap they have to try and avoid the shit companies that will go bust in the next two weeks. One idea to remove their anguish would be to make spread-betting illegal for these Stratton Oakmont cunts.
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