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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. These teams should spend the first season they move back up into the Premiership with their shirts sponsored by La Perla or Sloggi if they go up and down like a gypsy's knickers.
  2. The thing that let Fergie down was having ginger hair. Even the most beautiful bird ever would look a fucking pig with ginger hair.
  3. You talking about red triangles is giving me nightmares.
  4. Fucking sly cunts have got their finger of blame wagging firmly in Martin's direction with their BBC Panorama special they've just aired. They must have pre-produced several different versions to broadcast depending on the outcome of the decision. Fucking un-truthing cunts.
  5. Fuck the BBC. Now showing their true colours by trying to distance themselves from their once star journalist, Martin Bashir. Of course the fucking BBC were aware of everything that went on and paid for and endorsed it, just like they did with those degenerates Saville and Stuart Hall. Fuck the lot of the deceitful little cunts. I hope they don't get a hefty fine so my fucking TV Licence goes up again.
  6. Ronco, Moulinex, Saisho, Hotpoint and Amstrad, to reflect the time that they're likely to be out of service and in for repair.
  7. I prefer sheep in blankets, fucking concrete blankets before throwing the thick cunts in the Wensum.
  8. Where's the jug-eared, Fatty when you want a first hand expert opinion on his specialist subject?
  9. This isn't helped by so called celebrities who display themselves as being fat is acceptable and what they chose, you know like Gemma Collins and Alison Hammond who I hate in equal measure (I'm not racist). In my opinion there should be a tax on fat fuckers clothing, you know if your waist size is more than 6 inches greater than your inside leg measurement or you need a 44B bra.
  10. If you can use your legs, then use them to get out of the fucking way.
  11. Foreigners killing some other foreigners in a place far enough away from where I live. How is this a cunt to me exactly??
  12. Are these 'experts' any relation to the 'experts' that said the Titanic was unsinkable by any chance?
  13. Good luck with that, it's running Windows 8. Will that be a problem?
  14. Rumour has it the Highways Authority deliberately left it to this time of year on the expectation that the weather would be warmer so queuing motorists would have to open their windows and let in the fresh aroma of Whitlingham sewage works to really fuck everyone off. If you like roundabouts (like Dickless) you could always turn off onto the NDR and get lost in Taverham because it's the only ring road I know of that doesn't form a ring.
  15. Probably the only time a tin foil hat might come in handy.
  16. What a fucking cock up. The Home Office should do irregular hours and turn up at 4am when most of the lazy cunt locals are still comatose from too much Buckfast.
  17. Fucking misguided cunts wanting to spend lots of dosh on a statue to honour 999 services and now calling on the government to fund the cost of a fucking statue when I for one would rather £3million provided the services not fucking wasted on a token gesture, the 2% pay rise for frontline NHS would be a start. No doubt there will be some ethnics and possibly a woman fire-fighter in the display. I can't see an AA Recovery Officer though.
  18. Eyesight, absence of head hair and bladder capacity seems to be the only things that remind me I'm an older cunt of 51.
  19. Hopefully it was more to do with the release of Windows 8 and the fact that Microsoft released this dog shit operating system that it even shamed his wife into wanting a divorce.
  20. I can only assume Load 'n' Go type vans aren't very proficient at securing their loads. A mate of mine who was moving from London to Norwich left London with his bicycle tied to the roof rack but when he arrived in Norwich, no bike!
  21. If Dumbo, the elephant eared pundit loses his tax case then I expect the BBC to sack the cunt and never use his services again, as it was bad enough when everyone found out the licence fee was being used to facilitate paedophiles let alone tax fraudsters.
  22. Sounds to me as if she's got more hang ups about herself then anybody else, this is typical of a lot of people like this who see themselves as 'different' and wanting people not te treat them any differently but making a big fuck off, song-and-dance fanfare about why they think they are different.
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