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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Oi! Mongs aren't as bad as Francis. That's the worst comment I've ever read on here, you spiteful wench.
  2. Fucking stupid cunts. There must be quicker ways to kill a mong you don't want, and cleaner. For example, who the fuck was going to clean up all that vomit and shit when he croaked?
  3. This all started with that wannabe punk, Donny Tourette. You should watch the twats appearance on Never Mind The Buzzcocks where he causes anarchy by........sparking up a fag!!!!
  4. Dave Umbongo

    The BBC

    A distinct lack of imagination shown here. I would have drawn a Jim'll Fix It badge on it, attached a 3ft long concrete erect cock and then poured 3 litres of natural yoghurt onto the pavement below.
  5. Dave Umbongo

    The BBC

    Chinky Cheese would have been more appropriate for this disgusting yellow muck.
  6. Middlesex? Are you one of these Non-Binary freaks who can't make up their mind? They let them work in offices, do they.
  7. With Angela Rayner. A ginger witch who thinks she's smarter than what she is will never end well, right Spotto?
  8. I bet Prince Andrew is Bozo's best friend now as he seems to be a bit of a distraction for the headline writers.
  9. Her older sister Claire was always good for a laugh with her column in The Sun. 'Dear Claire, my boyfriend prefers to fuck a dead pigs head than me' ....oops, back on the Tories.
  10. Sounds like Tony Martin's old house.
  11. Calling Norfolks own chief paperclip issuer @Decimus to the board for his office based wisdom.
  12. I work in an office too and the people I work with are a bunch of cunts at the best of times. This Covid situation makes them much worse, so I just go into the office on Monday and Friday just to experience how much I despise the cunts which makes me feel so much better about my own life when I'm working from home and at the weekend.
  13. Norwich INTERNATIONAL Airport. They have flights to Yurup, you know.
  14. But it is a continent and a country. FFS Billy, I didn't expect to spend my Monday night telling a clever cunt like yourself, that you're wrong.
  15. Selling fake swimming outfits with a letter missing, or something like that.
  16. On a continent full of 17th century criminals from the UK, a few aboriginals and a shit load of animals and insects that can kill you. Oh, and I think @southerncunt lives there as well. Yes, he's definitely won.
  17. It'll be a fist sized pill that you take as a suppository so you can really feel as if the WHO and these so called medical experts are fucking you up the arse.
  18. This is all very interesting Gypps but watching rugby and drinking pints sounds like you might be a Pen MkII.
  19. Really. I would recommend liberal application of 97 octane petrol and a match.
  20. If I was you, just be glad that you've got a cock that you could impregnate a woman with if you can find one desperate enough.
  21. I'm merely interested in a balanced view of the stats to confirm I am making the right choice getting vacinated and boosted. If, for example, the government reported that 25,000 people had died due to complications with the vacinne it would certainly re-focus my mind before deciding to get anymore.
  22. You don't really understand how viruses work do you. This will mutate into a strain which doesn't kill the host and the human immune system will develop naturally. You know, a bit like the spanish flu virus giving people the symptoms of a common cold nowadays. The vaccines are a temporary acceleration of one of these processes to reduce the number of sub-standard cunts dying when they suffer serious side effects from either the actual virus or the vaccines. You little prick💉
  23. 150,000 deaths for the UK that are related to Covid. I wonder how many have died because of side effects from the vaccine?? Over to you Billy try and persuade me not to have a fourth.
  24. Italian? Shooting?? Surely sprinting would have been more his sport, after hastily dropping the gun first.
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