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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Is it technically murder if he paid them because I don't think you can get done for raping a prozzie, can you?, I mean, I'm not an expert in this field so perhaps other posters can contribute.
  2. I don't imagine this cunt gets invited to many parties, and I guess volunteering for the Samaritans is out of the question.
  3. Fucking hell, a 3-way bender sandwich is developing here. Have you lot decided who is the pitcher or the catcher, and the poor bastard in the middle that is the filling in this macabre love triangle you've formed?
  4. If it's any consolation to the management in the NHS, P&O makes them look half decent at least.
  5. You mean the Green councillor, Jamie Osbourn. Not only has this cunt got a face like a dropped trifle but he's got ginger hair too, and we all hate ginger haired cunts, don't we? (No offence, Roops)
  6. You fucking flash cunt. I just suggested using a fresh condom every other time.
  7. Old Chaps ArseCrack, when I want the opinion of a spaz I'll ask for it, in the meantime, kindly fuck off.
  8. What happens when you go out with the other lads for a colonic irrigation followed by a chia latte (sounds like the sort of thing cunts like this would do) and when you return home your nesting wives are munching each others rugs??? You get resigned to the fucking spare room for being a divvy cunt.
  9. This just sounds like the spastic,.... sorry I meant human equivalent of a fucking cuckoo. What a pile of shit.
  10. Perhaps they're all wearing tin-foil hats for protection.
  11. Dave Umbongo

    The BBC

    Rather than watch a censored version of Little Britain on I-player I prefer to watch my original DVD's that haven't been doctored by a bunch of paedo loving, poofters. Fuck, I hate the BBC.
  12. You remind me of Judys' shrivelled foreskin, and by that I mean you're a bit of a dick
  13. I thought his original name was John, and he decided to get rid of that one to. I'll get my mask. Fuck off.
  14. Time for some new material as this obsession with @cunt is getting worn out. What happened?, did he jizz in your mouth or something?.
  15. I bet it's not the only grindr you use.
  16. Makes it worth while to evict the Syrians from the Gazebo.
  17. Yes, I'm a traditional breakfast - dinner - tea bloke. I suppose you call it supper in West Caister do you?, Punkape Mk II.
  18. They're okay when they're empty but as soon as they've got a few pairs of heavily skid-marked boxers or some bloodied gusset knickers in them, I find them quite repulsive. Enjoy your tea everyone
  19. Only a fucking bunch of woke irrelevant comedians. I honestly didn't know who most of these cunts were apart from Rosie Jones, and that's only because she's got the same dance moves as Muhammed Ali.
  20. Who the fuck is that in your avatar? I demand you change it to something more reflective of your persona like a transgender girl or some irrelevant poof.
  21. No, but I consider COVID to be the new VD, which I did catch loads of in my teenage years. No one died of VD though, did they?especially those in care homes.
  22. There's just you, me and David Icke the rest of the world has gone fucking mental.
  23. Fuck vaccines. These didn't kill Shane, latest research and the autopsy indicates it was related to hair transplant procedures. How the fuck old is Wayne Rooney anyhow?
  24. Dave Umbongo

    The BBC

    Fucking poofter shitcunts that are the BBC appear to have employed yet another kiddy fiddling nonce In the form of Radio 1 DJ, Mark Page. You would think that tax payer funded cess pit of gender fluid luvvies would have fucking sorted their shit out by now and at least sourced some decent aptitude test to weedle these sexual fucking deviants out of the list of applicants for jobs at this, what appears to be, a training camp for paedophilia.
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