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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. How much pain exactly? I'm thinking of having something similar myself but I fucking hate dentists.
  2. How the fuck does a swollen knee influence your disability payments? I'm assuming, like everyone else who knows you, that you get payments for your significant mental disability.
  3. Eddie bears more than a passing resemblance to the wrestler Arthur Johnson, with his darkened hue.
  4. Why the fuck are you running at your age with a dodgy knee, you daft Irish cunt?
  5. Can you tell me if there's a need for the stationery cupboard to have bottles of correction fluid anymore. Asking for a colleague - I don't make mistakes. Also, this colleague is dyslexic so they have to use yellow paper. It makes the letters less jumbled or something, don't ask me, the fucking world's gone mad. Anyhow, they obviously want piss yellow correction fluid for the paper. Do I have to issue you a specific requisition order for bespoke stationery for the fucking retards I work with?
  6. Won't the dried batter get in your eyes?
  7. WTF is this grammatical car crash of letters? Have you been on the sauce?
  8. Dave Umbongo

    The BBC

    What a childish attitude, she needs to fucking grow up a bit* (*bit, meaning about two and a half foot)
  9. Dave Umbongo

    The BBC

    There's a 'short' programme about Ellie Simmonds on BBC tonight. Lol. Fuck off.
  10. I'm going to requisition 100 paperclips and 1000 No26 staples tomorrow, just fucking make sure there are exactly 100 paperclips and a 1000 staples or you're in for a bollocking.
  11. For once I am total agreement with you, not the utter bollocks bit obviously but I agree that you're not posting all day. Serious question, who was better Airwolfie or Bloo Funder?
  12. Stupid cunts are like buses. You wait ages for one and two turn up at once. Good afternoon cunts.
  13. Read it and form your own opinion. https://www.eadt.co.uk/news/crime/woman-had-sex-with-a-dog-8794210 @Wolfie you're a dog lover, what do you think?
  14. I'm wheelie good at dancing, especially after Sex on the Beach.
  15. Well you've certainly surprised me. I thought you only counted paperclips for one local authority, not three. I think I may have underestimated you.
  16. It's red, and that should be all you need to know.
  17. I'll have you know I can count to 5, in fact I've got a bunch of them for your stupid fucking face.
  18. The biggest oxymoron in history, calling yourself the Labour party while supporting, representing, endorsing and let's not forget, rewarding the exact opposite.
  19. You'll never fucking guess what, today was my first day working for a local authority having been TUPE transferred in from the previous shitcunt employer. Can you give me some advice on the best way to count paperclips? Cheers.
  20. They're only a danger to the public because with their new identity, no one knows who the fuck they are, or more importantly, were. Let them keep their original identity and then we'll see who really are the dangerous ones.
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