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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. This place isn't bad if you fancy something different. https://www.mandarinoriental.com/london/hyde-park/fine-dining/japanese-izakaya/the-aubrey We don't get many Jap eateries in Norfolk.
  2. I presume this prose is about your activities as a fudge packer as you haven't once mentioned female, girl, woman etc. You fucking poof, Punkape would be proud.
  3. Dave Umbongo

    Pedro Phil

    He makes Frank's posts look half decent?? Can't think of any other reason for him to operate a keyboard (badly) posting shit on here.
  4. Being a smart, intelligent gent and not one to get my hands dirty getting all physical at my age, might I suggest you have a word with one of the local prozzies in Aberdeen and hire her (or him, it is 2022) and get him to escort you to his door and make out he's been using his sister's money to pay for this prostitute for the past 4 weeks. Make sure the confrontation occurs in front of as many family members as possible, especially his wife.
  5. Dave Umbongo

    Pedro Phil

    How big is this bedsit if his telly is that fucking big?
  6. Dave Umbongo

    Pedro Phil

    I honestly can't see what your point is here Dung. Is it the cover from your latest porn DVD and you were disappointed with the storyline because there was no 'brown potting the brown' action?
  7. Why are you wanking in front of a mirror??
  8. Dave Umbongo

    Angel Harte

    Try climbing on your roof to adjust the TV aerial while operating an emu puppet with your good hand.
  9. If she is the Queen then I've think you've secured the role of King with this piss poor effort of a nom.
  10. I initially thought this was about divvies drinking cans of 80's pop thinking they were hard because it had alcohol in it.
  11. Dave Umbongo

    Tim Peake

    Anyone who pisses and shits while wearing their clothing for the day doesn't need to be honoured, IMO.
  12. Dave Umbongo


    Mensware?? You fucking cretin.
  13. When you say 'sunny' places do you actually mean you've been on the Sunshine Bus. You fat fucking retard
  14. Making comments in solidarity for your fellow Type 2 candidate, are you?
  15. Why on earth didn't they just chuck the tub of salad at the fat cunt. In my experience fat cunts like him will soon fuck off when they see salad and other healthy snacks. Let's wait for the opinion of someone more experienced in this theory. @judgetwi
  16. Well they all look the fucking same to me.
  17. We had a hired Ferguson Videostar (front loader) VHS VCR. Hired, because it was about a grand to buy - I still have an old Panasonic VHS VCR sitting in the shed. Fuck knows why. And they were called floppy disks because they were originally 5 1/4 inches and 'floppy', the 3 1/2 inch floppy disks in the rigid plastic case came later. What capacity did you have? 360kb, 720kb, or were you a posh cunt with 1.44mb ones?
  18. I can only assume the name Imran Khan is the Indian equivalent of John Smith, there seems to be fucking hundreds of the little brown shits.
  19. Some of those 'ladies' make Laurel Hubbard look feminine.
  20. Dave Umbongo

    Tim Peake

    Where the fuck were you at 13:30 today. I took my cosh with me to the office so I could give you the fucking pasting you deserve. And where the fuck are my staples??
  21. He wasn't outside the canteen either, the fucking lightweight, no-show cunt.
  22. How many implants did you have as I've seen ads saying all-on-4 meaning each plate on 4x titanium pegs. Be honest, was it the first time you've had 20 odd pricks in your mouth in half an hour?
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