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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. The only fucking believable thing about this BBC orchestrated car crash is that it's a black geezer riding around in something with 'Police' written on the outside.
  2. He could use the sonic screwdriver like a baseball bat and take it to those alien cunts while riding around on K9, maybe.
  3. His teeth are fucked from all that Quorn shit he doesn't eat but is still happy to take the ££££ for advertising it.
  4. No ban because it's fact, not an accusation.
  5. Like the kids in the old Ready-Brek ads because they've got your ejaculate up their arse,.....the geese, not the kids........,obviously.
  6. He's more likely to try and waterboard you with anything he has to hand, being French and in a fight that is likely to be a white flag and his own piss.
  7. I've never heard it called that before, I bet you saw loads of stair carpets in the massage business
  8. Not a million miles away from Anusol, and my advice would be not to get those mixed up or you could cause yourself a whole PILE of trouble.
  9. The day that Frank falls asleep rooting Ming's defrosting corpse and forgets to put her back in the freezer.
  10. What do you clean them with, Autosol or regular toothpaste?
  11. I see them every time I log into this website.
  12. If that's the state of its hirsute chin I would imagine (not that I am) the growler would give Roops' jungle a bit of competition.
  13. It's a close run thing between the horse-wank that is snooker, cricket or golf..., for the most tedious fucking sport ever.
  14. Don't you mean a 'nee' on their knecks. Useless fucking cunt.
  15. Dave Umbongo

    Kiwi Farms

    Pile of shit. Dimmy you cunt, I'm a very busy man and I ain't got time to browse through a website full of mediocre wannabe cunts. Up your fucking game or kill yourself.
  16. Oi Frenchie, what the fuck went on with your elections? I know you're all a bunch of screaming left footers but what the fuck are you voting left in politics for?
  17. I always read this as Mis-management which ironically, would be a more accurate description of the shit you post. No offence, you fucking twat
  18. You mean cut his cock off and make it look intersex, or are they objecting because it's black? I thought we had moved on from colour after George Flyd became a martyr and the woke-flakes had now progressed into gender misrepresentation.
  19. I see you've changed your username, which has well and truly ruined my fucking weekend.
  20. Frank's got a big enough freezer if your body doesn't mind spooning with Ming.
  21. Have you got a false cock......to match your teeth?? And do you have to put it in a glass to soak overnight like you do with teeth?
  22. A tape??? What fucking decade is your brain stuck in? Thick cunt
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