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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. You've seen that fucking freak in the Calvin Klein ad. It won't be long before one of them changes their mind.
  2. Punkape's an advocate of MRM*. (Male Rectum Mutilation)
  3. Or MonkeyPox clinics for you and your crafty butcher mates at the golf club.
  4. Unless she happens to be standing on the shore in Blackpool, in which case PansySpacker will be wetter than he already is.
  5. 2 litre bottles of neat bleach won't fall out though. Buy fucking loads and drink it you stupid fuck.
  6. Silence minion. Where's my fucking magenta toner cartridge, you worthless cunt?
  7. Carl, I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for a response, I can tell you I don't have one. What I do have is a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career, skills that make me not give a fuck about people like you. So fuck off.
  8. Not to stereotype but, this will mean the opposing teams will be selected based on team strip colours complementing each other and not clashing, they will refuse to wear black as it 'makes them look fat', the games will be late starting because the ref isn't ready and they'll get lost running from one end of the pitch to the other.
  9. What's up? Did your team lose again? HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!
  10. Which isn't a lot. Dickless apparently supports Norwich Shitty FC.
  11. Any fucking excuse to go drinking in that gay spick bar near the station.
  12. I'm forming a tribute band called Joey Deacon Blue and our first track is going to be a twisted rendition of this called Dignitas, dedicated especially to you Dickless. No need to thank me. ps the printer on the 2nd floor needs a new magenta cartridge. Pull your fucking finger out FFS.
  13. Dave Umbongo

    Monkey Pox

    If this only effects monkeys then I don't think the white folk of the UK and every poster on this site, apart from Eddie, have anything to worry about.
  14. I recently grassed one of the managers up where I work for misuse of post-nominals, what do you think of that? The stupid cunt tried to make out he was a chartered architect and surveyor when bidding for work.
  15. Do you think FIFA will demand the referees shave their beards so you can tell which ones are the females?
  16. They call it gasoline in America, I believe it does the same shit though.
  17. Trust me, I would know if I was managing someone who wasn't pulling their weight, intellectually or otherwise.
  18. It's good to hear the quality of new employees is raising the bar for you lumps of dead-wood where you work.
  19. Was this the staff briefing about what is being done for the Cripps and mentalists to help them at home?
  20. If you're not going to post a picture at least spell her name correctly, you thick as shit fucking retard.
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