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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. I've seen actual video footage of apes moving pianos but surely they don't let them anywhere near a set of spanners.
  2. Obviously it's just a threat as you're still here.
  3. What the fuck are you on about you stupid cunt. Provide some fucking context to your nom so those that aren't on the autistic spectrum disorder have half a chance of figuring out if you have a functioning brain cell you can occasionally use. Welcome to the corner.
  4. Missing Link got all menstrual when I started taking the piss when he admitted his hobby was making and flying remote controlled children's toys. Unless it's as believable as me being a bungalow dwelling paraplegic and KingBilly having implants (in his anus, Lol)
  5. You have your own thoughts?? Now I'm impressed.
  6. My thoughts exactly. Fucking get on with it then. How do you plan on doing it?, flying one of your toys into overhead power lines?
  7. You fucking stupid cunt. The posters on this site have direct experience at what sort of car crash develops (no pun intended) when you put a female red-head in charge.
  8. It would have only been a month if your sloth like, dozy border control pulled their head out of their arse and did their job properly. Vive la frog
  9. What about tennis at Wimbledon, they have to wear whites there and I've never seen any fanny eggs emerge.
  10. You'll all be moaning in the winter when it's cold and you want your gas central heating on but can't fucking afford it. Fortunately I have about 2 years supply of seasoned wood for my multi-fuel stove. Fuck off.
  11. I can. Dip your balls in meat paste and go for a walk in the local park where there are loads of dogs.
  12. An excellent nom. but, you useless fucking twat, Halifax is a bank. It hasn't been a building society since 1997, change the nom title now, you worthless piece of shit
  13. Doesn't this fucking idiot Andy M of the Soshul Media team realise the customers pay the stupid cunts wages. What a total fucking bell-end.
  14. Could the real reason be that the vicar had already showered but he was still struggling to remove the dried up pieces of choir-boy shit from his Japs eye, so tried using a hoover. See, a legitimate reason for using it and I'm sure they would have let him off if he would have given this excuse.
  15. My hoover?? Are you gay?, as only women should own a hoover. Gypps take note.
  16. It's about time you submitted a nomination. Well done. However, it's a pity the subject is now about as relevant as you are, you fucking spacktard.
  17. That's the fattest fucking swan I've ever clapped my eyes upon, it looks as though it's been gorging on French faux grais. I'm not in the least bit fucking interested but, out of curiosity, has anyone checked if the date of non-binary day has a '1' or a '0' in it?
  18. I'm interested to learn where you purchase your tinfoil @King Billy, all I ever see is aluminium foil and wearing this shit on your bonce will give you Alzheimer's. Your brain absorbs the aluminium through the skin and it's why all aluminium cookware is coated now. What do think of that? Roops will back me up on the high aluminium content in the brains of alzeimer sufferers - I remember reading it somewhere, I think!!?!
  19. How the fuck did you manage the smell from your knocking shop days. Visiting one of them must have been like a trip to the Time & Tide museum in Great Yarmouth.
  20. Dave Umbongo

    Mo Farah

    If South-Park was ever brought back as a live action film he would make an excellent Starvin Marvin.
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