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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Firefighter Samantha, post op. They've run out of sheep in Pontypandy.
  2. Yes, definitely kebab as it reminds me of an ex- girlfriends fanny. I bet you've got a well-done vegan hot dog ordered for later, smothered in mayonnaise and brown sauce probably, you filthy cunt.
  3. He can't fucking spell either. It's THEIR, as in THEIR wives. Susie Dent is a dirty slag.
  4. 18 hours now for the stupid cunts to queue and in the fucking rain for less than 10 seconds to bow your head at a wooden box, that we've been told she's inside. Thank fuck for Netflix and Amazon Prime.
  5. I don't hate sport. I just hate certain sports that attract cunts as Rugby and MotoGP are what I consider to be worthwhile sports.
  6. Stupid!?? Quality cunting there, you little fucking spastic. Why don't you try landing one of your toy helicopters on that massive chip on your shoulder and sever your carotid in the process.
  7. You come out with a grandiose opinion about my post, now here you are back-pedalling quicker than Kweer Starmer with another Labour policy decision.
  8. F1 has a similar appeal to me as Football, Golf and Cricket. A sport for cunts, watched by cunts and enjoyed by cunts.
  9. All the black kids wore Adidas Sambo's at my school. Fuck off.
  10. Apart from those, obviously.
  11. The quality of posts had improved over the previous two weeks.
  12. My piss doesn't dry for long enough to smell stale, you cheeky cunt.
  13. You've confused me with Wolfie, and shouldn't you be PM'ing him something like this instead?
  14. Frank's the best on here so, remember your fucking place young padawan.
  15. I fucking hate the cunts who get off the escalator and just stand there to momentarily work out if they want to go left, right or straight ahead. Just get the fuckity fuck out of the fucking way as more people are behind you on a mechanical contraption they have no control over, you cunts. I bet that cunt Ape does this.
  16. His axe wound, if his first post in response to this nom is anything to go by.
  17. Be careful @Neil, someone's been thinking about your cock. Fuck knows what Ape will do about this, throw a jealous hissy fit, probably
  18. I bet Snowy wishes he had fingers like this if Roops takes him up on his offer.
  19. And there was me thinking you would pick him up on his spelling of 'loafer', although with Snowy, he could have spelled it 'Loofa' but I would imagine a gentlemen about town, or to be more precise, Hampstead Heath, like yourself you have probably already worn a loofa a few times, up your voluminous arse hole.
  20. Your plan would be a success if only airport terminals weren't littered with quite a few reflective shop fronts.
  21. If it had a red leather interior then no, not really. Any other colour then yes, it's fucked.
  22. Well at least Frank will know if he really does bump into Wolfie outside Buck House at the weekend.
  23. I don't know why your boyfriend Ape hasn't leapt to your defence on this one. Perhaps he's of the same opinion as Bawsy.
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