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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Really?. I recommend he takes a dip off Little Bay, Sydney with some raw steak tucked into his Speedos.
  2. You've had your kids burned - well done!
  3. Careful what you wish for you froggy cunt, I've got this fucking cold virus that's going around and with 2 years of under exposure to common viruses, it's a bit of a stinker. I'm now trying to drown the little virus cunts in alcohol.
  4. See my second post in this thread. Who knew, eh?
  5. You've seen Charles' wife. What the fuck did you expect from someone with that sort of taste.
  6. Do they become invisible when you look at them through polarised film??
  7. Why don't you ring her to tell her.
  8. Exactly. What did she die of, skin cancer??
  9. Is no one gonna comment on my nom. about the fickos buying Prime?
  10. Looks like she tried to answer the phone whilst ironing.
  11. I was going to nom. KSI and Logan Paul as producers of Prime Hydration drink but in reality they've pulled a blinder with the marketing and hype for a £1.99 drink which has chavvy scumbags clamouring for it. You might think good on them for wanting to be so eager to maintain their hydration levels and replace electrolytes while working so hard or more likely, furiously wanking in their bedsits but, in reality I reckon they're buying it to sell on eBay where, and I kid you not, some stupid cunts are asking for £7000 upwards for a single bottle of this shit. If there was any karma to this I can only hope that some boffin in manufacturing has introduced additional chemicals that make the drinkers of this shite infertile, eliminate the stupid wankers from the gene pool.
  12. They've included a picture of a prepared turkey, now, the question I want answered is, was the turkey alive or as the picture ready cleaned with giblets removed etc..
  13. The Afghan and Iranian cunts listed on the device probably appear on 'Scrotes accounts for purchasers of one of his dinghies before they arrive on our fucking shores in Dover.
  14. Let's hope it's Frank, Punkape or Brony Keith.
  15. Clarkson is still a bloke though and I bet if Meghan spread her negroid hairy clam he would stuff it like a turkey.
  16. A fuck up of epic proportions. They had better not use the "we're under resourced and under paid so we're bound to make mistakes", excuse. Find out who is responsible and kill them, they are no use in the NHS.
  17. It seems to run in the family, her shyster husband, Doug Barrowman had a pensions company which persuaded the armed forces to switch their pensions before folding. The fucking pair of cunts are poncing around in a lifestyle made from ill-gotten gains. Prison beckons, I hope.
  18. Well if you want my opinion to kick this slag in the cunt, stop buying your knickers from her shops. Myself, I always buy mine from M&S.
  19. A non-league footballer so not exactly a celebrity but Sophie Ellis-Bextor must be a prime suspect for this. 🎵It's murder on the dance floor🎵
  20. Not the sort of Bird you think will meet it's maker over the Christmas period but, John Bird.
  21. "Fantasies", you retarded cock swinging freak.
  22. Careful or he'll get his brother, uncle and dad to come round your house and beat you up. Okay, it's only one person but I would imagine a 6 knuckle sandwich would still sting a bit.
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