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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. And I'm surprised that food stays in his body long enough for it to absorb calories when his bowel movements just need gravity because of his capacious over-stretched rectum.
  2. You get a 'like' for telling me about my 'like'.
  3. He's very much like my old sparring partner on here @Ape™️, he's a fan of helicopters too. I guess it's a gay thing about playing with choppers or something.
  4. Your Brexit hero, Michel Barnier, was on Laura Kuensberg this morning. He came across as a bit of an unrepentant baby throwing a tantrum because someone took his best toy away. Fuck off
  5. No, but did you know it's the year of the rabbit, which is quite a normal animal to eat considering what these yella fucking savages usually stuff down their gullets
  6. It's like that wildlife film of a bunch of chimpanzees attacking a colobus monkey.
  7. Ben might have a point since to be racist is to prejudice or discriminate against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group. How do we know these policeman aren't racist toward white people because racism isn't a one way street in favour of the darkies you know.
  8. A relatively short nom. which will hopefully lead to some comparative input from the collective and instigated by the man who has been killed by a 'telescopic urinal' in London today. What a pissing undignified way to go.
  9. KingBilly can let him have his as I think he uses Autosol and a lint free cloth to clean 'his' teeth now.
  10. Reported for derailing the thread. Anyhow, are you familiar with old saying, it takes one to know one.
  11. It's because the MP's spunked billions of pounds on Dildo Hard-on and her Track 'n' Trace brainwave and let's not forget the Ultimo scammer Michelle Mone. And what do you reckon that the MP's that voted against the windfall tax on energy companies are also major shareholders in those companies. It's a cess pit of self serving cunts.
  12. Just caught a brief glimpse of Dancing on Ice and noticed that the brother of a well-hung poofter, John Fashanu, was appearing and being interviewed and I jokingly said to Mrs CBB, "It'll be tolerable as long as he doesn't say 'Awooga!' like he used to on Gladiators" and literally the 5th word out of this letter-boxed mouth chimp was 'Awooga!'. You can take the monkey out of the jungle..........., but it's stretching things a bit putting it in a suit and a pair of skates and expecting coherent speech. Fucking pile of wank.
  13. She looked as if she was 75% embalmed before she died, 'as is the American way'.
  14. That's Bobby Brown, you thick cnut.
  15. Frank doesn't have the hydrostatic pressure to blast clarts off the Royal Doulton, especially from a seated position because his pipe cleaner legs won't support his weight.
  16. I thought you frogs still squatted above a hole in the floor, it's the European way. When travelling through Holland during the early nineties I remember toilet pans with a ledge to stack your logs on, apparently so you can visually admire your work before sending it to a watery grave. Filthy fucking bastards.
  17. What a fucking load of bollox. That horse has long bolted and you haven't even got a stable door to shut.
  18. Too fucking right I would, for starters I would get him buying sodium-ion batteries for his cars rather than the volatile, thermal over-run, fire starters that are lithium batteries. Fuck sight cheaper obtaining sodium than it is lithium carbonate too.
  19. The fact that this cunts electric car company suffered the biggest ever (personal) financial loss last year should tell you everything you need to know about whether investing in an EV is the right thing to do. What a stupid cunt.
  20. Everyone's using Air Fryers nowadays, you behind the times, antiquated, bell-end.
  21. Don't put yourself down Eric, you've been here long enough.
  22. What we really want to know is, how many fucking rounds did the ginger cunt shoot off to kill only 25 beardy brownies. Fucking tosser probably shot off 1000's for a ridiculous kill ratio of 0.0001%.
  23. Most people have one skin, some have two skin but I hear you have a four skin. Lol
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