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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Dave Umbongo


    Read part of this and my balls have disappeared into my pelvis for the night. What's wrong with just going to the pub for a game of darts or something similar for a hobby. https://news.sky.com/story/enuch-maker-website-trial-man-22-admits-freezing-leg-of-ringleader-accused-of-filming-castrations-12893672
  2. You could always get a job clearing greyhound scat up at your local stadium if money gets a bit tight. Woof, woof
  3. I had a mortgage when I was 21 and cleared it just before my 36th birthday. After clearing it I had to take out another but that's only on a rental property so some other mug tenant is paying that mortgage.
  4. Bit of a fishing trip really but I expect the affluent amongst us like @King Billy and @Frank will be along later to give their take on why the mortgage interest rate is rising in correlation with bank base rate even for those that aren't contracted to follow this index. Banks are cunts especially if my savings interest rate doesn't increase by a potential 0.25% rise which is predicted tomorrow.
  5. This is a real cunt for all those with a mortgage but fortunately I've worked hard and I don't have one. Just saying.
  6. As he looks like a malnourished 13 year old tranny I reckon a child's ticket would suffice.
  7. I'll pass on that thanks, but fill your boots if it's your thing.
  8. Examining the dental records on this video clip leads me to conclude that it's a completely different poof.
  9. Who's up for a whip round to pay for the next holiday for Francis?
  10. Expect nothing from Ape, you won't be disappointed then.
  11. No doubt he's another fucking Jew paedo with a name like Seth.
  12. .......breathing, you stupid cunt.
  13. I was watching Pointless on TV this evening and one of the 'celebrities' is an 'actress'(?) from Hollyoaks called Annie Wallace. She(?) looks more manly than Pat Tate on steroids and Stella. Fucking hideous freak-show.
  14. I think the bowl cut is so that it looks like they're wearing a helmet when they're not. That particular plan backfired with terminal consequences. You gotta laff at the taffs.
  15. Well if you ask me, I think the Govt should be giving away these E-bikes to any household on universal credit with more than 3 kids. They seem to fulfill one purpose that makes me feel better.
  16. ??? You've just proven my previous point. You'll probably come out with some excuse like a sticky residue beneath the 'e' character on your keyboard which you probably tell your mum is polystyrene cement until she checks your internet history and find numerous searches for 'Schofield'. Ho, Ho, Ho.
  17. Give a monkey a keyboard and eventually a sentence or two will get posted.
  18. Fuck off Ape. I'm talking about wood choppers, not plastic toy ones.
  19. I probably wouldn't be arsed to clean the maul before putting it back in the shed. Why?
  20. The cunt would get my 14lb splitting maul in his stupid fucking burnt turnip head if he set foot in my grounds.
  21. Where the fuck is Tony Martins house?
  22. I can see the advantages of not having a 'meat & two veg' as a cushion between your body and a rock hard cycle seat when cycling professionally but you've got to be some fucking warped cunt to go ahead and have your balls dissected and your love truncheon turned inside out to make it a reality.
  23. I am surprised. Surprised that you actually have a pair of balls to lick. But then again, it shows real balls having a dog as an avatar with the known, and somewhat disturbing proclivities of some of the membership toward that animal species on this site. You know who you are Martin Adams.
  24. I would feel happier about his rockets if they had crash landed on his Caribbean island.
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