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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. I have a strong suspicion that @Witheredscrote is Ted Moult with the amount of goose feathers that seem to be harmlessly laying around on his bedroom window cill within easy reach whenever a helicopter (fuck off Ape) lands nearby.
  2. Dave Umbongo


    3 fucking posts and then you decide to come up with this lackadaisical fucking shit. Football is for woke-iron-lesbians. Kill yourself.
  3. Those fucking Neanderthal northerners have taken 'going out on the pull for a bird' to a whole new level. Filthy fucking scum. @WitheredscroteI'm afraid a competitor is preparing a challenge for your crown.
  4. Well, either the ball is spinning or it's my head after all the 8Ace I've consumed tonight.
  5. But he won't ever sail his yacht there for fear of falling off the edge of the horizon.
  6. I thought we were preventing spastics from ending up in the sea, or was that plastics. Get fucked.
  7. I'm currently acquiring bits off 'tinternet to build my own sub so I can run trips down to the bottom to see 5 hapless corpses rotting in a shittier sub. Only £194,500 a ticket. @Ape™️as the expert in building shitty things, how much polystyrene cement do I need to hold it all together? I figured that would be the best glue as if anything goes wrong it should harmlessly make its way back to the surface, polystyrene floats dunnit?
  8. I feel sorry for those other 15 'guests' who've paid £195,000 fucking quid each!! to meet the same fate albeit a little underwater.
  9. So many questions like why have you got the single Euro plug socket in the bank of three? And marble 'effect' worktop?? And cheap as chips 30mm thick!! Just what the fuck have you been spending Mings life insurance payout on?
  10. And we all thought plastic was the worst thing polluting the seas.
  11. Yes, and what they appear to be delivering certainly isn't milky white.
  12. Extremely Rattled. Like Fwanks bones while giving a frozen Ming a 30 second knee trembler. You dopey twat.
  13. Why can't you have just told us it was a guitar amplifier as all that other shit to identify the make and model is superfluous unless you happen to be a middle-aged Derek whose porn stash has been discovered by the other half so you've has to find yourself another hobby. Either that, or you're a busker?? Value baked beans is a definite sign of a busker........, and a wanker, really.
  14. What's your genuine reason for taking an hour to construct that witty reposte?
  15. For Sale. Ape TM Genuine reason for sale or swap for a tin of Value beans.
  16. Have we not heard that before??
  17. I wouldn't get away with speaking to my mum like that. What's your secret?
  18. His choppers?? 100% pure acetone to dissolve the polystyrene cement, probably.
  19. How the fuck can the guest be homophobic when it is clear that contact was kept to a minimum because of the fact the host has got AIDS. Not just HIV but full blown AIDS. I think I would do the same. plus, I am homophobic so the shit stabbing queen can fuck right off and, I bet he wanked himself off with his own tears when he read the pamphlets. Fucking degenerate disease carrier.
  20. If one of these was Willy, from Free Willy, will the size of it compare to yours??
  21. Are you trying to tell me the Chuckle brother who died was the handsome one? Although, months of being underground with worms eating away at his facial features may have actually improved the looks of this slack-jawed missing link.
  22. I think this nom. might be an exclusive for me as it's the only one where I don't want the poster to have 'done a Pen' and added a weblink. The descriptive above it is enough to prevent a click.
  23. A single mention of the word gay and up he pops like Schofield's penis.
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