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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. No, I'm not Northern I've just been dragged up in a household that has breakfast, dinner and tea. What's your fucking point?
  2. As you're all probably just starting your tea, just try and picture this. About 9 months ago that hair-brained fucking oaf of an ex-prime-minister was atop Carrie giving her what for, before the sweaty mass shot his love yoghurt. Bon appetit!
  3. I wouldn't bother if I were you, unless you like being disappointed (like your partner, no doubt)
  4. Imagine how disappointed I felt when this biologically confused sub-species decided to adopt the name Suzy rather than Liz.
  5. Apparently Warwick Davis is on the shortlist. I'll get my anorak.
  6. That stupid jug eared, tax avoider Lineker tweeted, "HATE to disappoint the haters but it's not me" Headed to many balls I reckon.
  7. Thanks. Saves me a journey tomorrow.
  8. I appreciate that this is a bit of a niche nomination specifically for the bog dwellers of Norfolk (which bizarrely seem to be over 50% of the regular posters) but, in the local rag today, Clive Lewis has come out tweeting his support for.....and hold on to your dinners.....,trans women breast feeding!!! What fucking sick, fucking, twisted, former man thinks it is in anyway natural to let a baby suck his / her / its tit?? I can only assume Clive doesn't want to represent Norwich South anymore. I would put a link to the EEN24 article but it includes a picture of the degenerate beast breast feeding on a fucking bus. It's fucking sick.
  9. I've only just renewed my licence fee and now I'm thinking of handing myself in at the local cop shop for bankrolling paedophilia.
  10. I think you're being disingenuous to suggest that AI can replace binmen, for a start, why replace something with something that's artificial when there's absolutely zero intelligence there in the first place.
  11. He sounds like Norfolk's very own Keith Richards only I reckon Dickless is the better guitar player with the advantage of him having as many fingers on each hand as strings on his instrument.
  12. It's Vodafone. Phuck orph!
  13. Not 'great news' for the rest of us here because your £15 balance means you'll continue to post more shit like this.
  14. Men don't menstruate from the arse though, no matter how gay they are.
  15. Get rid of the poncey watch and get a dishwasher you stupid cunt.
  16. Is that as good as my A. Lange & Sohne Odysseus??
  17. Black bastard.
  18. Fuck all that expensive watch bollox, a watch is meant to be functional which is why my favourite one is my multi-band Casio Wave-Ceptor - it's more accurate and reliable than any of my considerably more expensive time pieces.
  19. You truly are the worst on here.
  20. For sale. Deep sea submarine support ship. Genuine reason for sale. £195,000.
  21. I bet the woman(?) identifying as a teacher in that audio won't be doing that for much longer, and personally i would be identifying her as a toilet and take a Guinness shit in her mouth for coming up with such woke misguided fucking clap-trap.
  22. Don't you identify as a tripod. 😆
  23. Warm beer in this weather?? You've got to be fucking joking
  24. Dave Umbongo


    Yes, only you and Rain Man I should imagine
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