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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Calling someone else (Israelis) racist, makes you racist don't you know - especially if you're white, English and male. Reported.
  2. The first four words would have been sufficient.......in response to anything apart from flying toys or how to be a rattled bell-end. Ha Ha Ha.
  3. Yes. A joystick from a remote control for a toy helicopter. Best not to ask.
  4. What? Not even been in Casualty? Even I've been in Casualty...., not the TV series though. And, before the usual suspects start, no, it wasn't for a stomach pump or to remove a strange object from my arse etc...
  5. Was???? You mean he really is dead and not running around in a landfill site like some Stig of the Dump character. That was a classic kids show of the 80's with Keith Jayne playing the part of Stig.
  6. I think you'll find Airman McKeague was the colossal drunken dickhead.
  7. That sounds very strange Eric. Have you even got a cunt?
  8. What's the real story with you and your bunch of descendants of criminals mates that don't want to host the Commonwealth Games now?
  9. Errrmm.....Cunts Corner. You stupid fucking cunt. Perhaps you've LOGGED in here mistakingly, instead of Mumsnet or Istillpissthebednet.
  10. West Midlands Police did half a decent job recently when they tasered one of those token chav-beast dogs mid-fight and threw it in a wheelie bin. My only disappointment is that the dog did not end up in the same place as Corrie McKeague. I would have personally felt more satisfied pepper spraying the fucking thing and then giving it a few tenderising blows with a truncheon.
  11. Queer Starmer on Laura Kuntsberg this morning being as vague as the invisible man, and I quote, "I am going to approach the reform that is required with laser like focus and determination..................but I'm not going to tell you what that actually entails", (involves, requires, costs etc..) Probably because he doesn't have a fucking clue himself as his primary mission is to get into power before he worries about how to actually complete the '5 missions'.
  12. Shove your fucking Marathon up your Starburst, you cunt.
  13. It looks as if the fist has been up the wrong 'un already, it's all brown, yuk
  14. Apparently the BBC has, "robust internal processes in place to deal proactively with such allegations". Let's fucking hope so by now, they've had plenty of practice.
  15. Confirmed as Huw Edwards...., by his wife. I guess that marriage is over then.
  16. Rumour has it, they donate sperm to each other
  17. It's a fucking bungalow. How many more times. FFS.
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