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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. I suppose it's to much to expect any of the specialists coming over here in dinghies are search & rescue operatives that we could fuck off back to Morocco to help thier fellow shit-stains on humanity.
  2. GOT. Exactly, nobody in their right mind is interested in a stunt vegetable.
  3. The UKGov can't afford to help people like this when we're paying for board and lodgings for 'survivors' arriving via the RNLI taxi service.
  4. Disappointing statistics that only 630ish sand shufflers perished in this disappointingly weak tremble. Why on earth these camel humping cunts hadn't used more RAAC concrete in their buildings is anyone's guess. On a brighter note, that's 630 less potential visitors to our shores.
  5. 🎶Don't be sad, because two out of three ain't bad🎶 I don't believe he's Eritrean.
  6. Not just pyramids, but replacement parts for helicopters, unfortunately rotor blade bearings made from empty bean tins don't last as long as the OEM ceramic ones, much to the disappointment of Vichai Srividdahanaprabha.
  7. On the contrary, they absolutely fucking detest me but they only give me likes because they dislike you even more. What do you make of that?
  8. Calm down Mr Beige, You're coming across as being slightly rattled.
  9. Noted. I don't think he's been 'bearing' up very well since that helicopter crash outside Leicester City FC.
  10. The fact you IMAGINE that says more about you than him. You filthy, shit obsessed cunt. I imagine Dulux 076 whenever I see you've posted.
  11. There's only one hylobatidae that relishes in drinking the fluids produced by Wolfie.
  12. Bus wanker!. Only because you apparently like buses..........., and have a double decker sized cock to wank.
  13. I guess it must be extremely difficult when you live in a shittier hole, a bit like being a member of Surfers Against Sewage and living in a toilet bowl.
  14. That's a fucking kiss of death to any aspirations that Labour can be put in charge of the purse strings for Central government. Who the fuck compiled their budget, Dianne Abbott?? Labour, the gift that keeps on giving, not only antisemitic but sexist too.
  15. Evening Gimp. Has Wolfie given you permission to post without sucking his cock first. It's a slippery slope when this level of disrespect is tolerated.
  16. If only you would break yours...., while vigorously sucking Apes cock like a mongrel eating tripe, probably.
  17. You tosspot, slimebag. You could be one of the best on here too, like me and @Frank if you weren't such a wet lettuce with your gimp-like shadow, Ape
  18. You and Ape are about as amusing as a Chuckle Brother, the dead one. Fuck off. Oh, and by the way, Quentin Tarantino wants to make Reservoir Dogs 3 and he wants you to play Mr Magnolia. Fuck off again.
  19. Well if is an O's'wald Boateng then clearly it's a fucking cheap imitation. Did you wear it with your Bolex watch and your Bloakes shoes?
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