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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Sounds fucking foreign, possibly even fucking Jewish so who the fucks going to smoke them, cock smokers probably. John Player, now there's a good old British name
  2. And there was me thinking the Childe was exactly your thing. Fuck off.
  3. The thing is, if the allegations are all lying bullshit then more damage will be done by the questioning that will have to occur to determine the credibility of any future claims against the next BBC employee or other potential defendant.
  4. To put a stop to all this racist offence I'm now going to insult in anagrams. From henceforth all darker skinned individuals will be known as giNgers.
  5. Do you mean the Brand or the Grant?, as one of them would certainly be interested in your 'star'.
  6. Ohhh, it wasn't meant to be an insult. It was a genuine enquiry what with the obsessive affection displayed toward you by @Ape™️ I assumed you were a couple. I think pretty much every other poster and the admin share the same view.
  7. I'm going to put my cock on the block here and suggest that my posts are getting you somewhat rattled, either that or the polystyrene cement fumes have got you higher than one of your toy choppers.
  8. How many Oliver's are you able to fit up yours. Ape won't like the thought of other men's cocks in your arse but, be honest for once in your depressing fucking existence.
  9. Holly cocks Periwinkle Bumflower
  10. @PANZER MURPHY what have you got to say about this, you fucking oirish poof.
  11. Just throw yours in, you're fucking useless.
  12. I actually wash my towels every 3 uses for bath / shower towels and every 2 days for hand towels since, if you're fucking washing properly you're only drying clean water off. Tea towels are just germ spreading rags - air dry is the way to go.
  13. I've fucked up there, the church I go to is a modern, woke variety and they refer to God as a they / them. does it therefore require a capital 'T'?
  14. There is a god. He's realised his error with the piss poor effort of an earthquake in Morocco and more than made up for it with the flooding in Libya. Any requests for what I should ask him for in my prayers at church this Sunday. Sorry, he can't do individual requests like reincarnate Ming as a gay bloke.
  15. Pen will be along shortly as this nom. contains two of their favourite subjects beginning with the letter 'T'.
  16. Haven't you got homework now you're back at school or do the remedial class still not get any.
  17. How the fuck do you put up with those rancid smells from that dump right on your doorstep?? Sorry, I meant Household Recycling Centre.
  18. The stationery cupboard ran out of paperclips today Dickless, are you on fucking holiday or are you just being your lame fucking self?
  19. I do it to attract them. And, it's fucking worked!!
  20. What's got you in a spin? Has it been too hot to stand in the middle of a field playing with your toys while fiddling with your joystick.
  21. Well, I watched England finally use their brains to beat Argentina tactfully with one man down for most of the match and, I'm now settling down to watch a bunch of sheep shaggers fuck up their world cup..., probably. What really made my weekend though was an earthquake, and the death toll for the dirty fucking foreigners keeps rising. What's not to like.
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