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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Don't mention it, y'all have a nice day now.
  2. Well done @King Billy, you're definitely not an Americunt as if it was a US medal of honour it would be spelt as honor. Unless you're that thick you've copied it incorrectly.
  3. Getting married comes an uncomfortably close second to having a hippo as a pet.
  4. "They mostly come at night.........mostly". In their fucking 'small boats'.
  5. Whenever I see ELC, I immediately think of the retail outlet Early Learning Centre. Rather apt really isn't it?
  6. https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/sep/29/police-chief-nick-adderley--investigated-falklands-medal Northamptonshire police chief who wears a medal to give the uncorrected impression that the cunt has earned the right to wear it. What a fucking deceitful fucking wanker that devalues the status of a medal. I hate cunts who lie about their medals, awards, honours, qualifications and professional memberships to gain career advantage. I believe NHS Norfolk also had one of these cunts recently until they decided to kick him out after a few years - can you corroborate @Decimus, as a fellow bog dweller?
  7. More of a grApe than an Ape then. One of the little cunts that deserve to be crushed*. (©Stu Francis 1980)
  8. What the fuck are you wittering on about, bashful, sneezy, doc or any of the other dwarves that I can't fucking remember the names of.
  9. Why double hand it into a separate receptacle?, you really are a fucking waster aren't you?
  10. How's that glass house you're sitting in? Stupid cunt.
  11. Quite. Tesco Value Frankenstein Turkey Twizzlers to go with the beans.
  12. Well, the Caudwell cunt has got Lyme disease, and his drinking buddy, Dicklixit Cunt.
  13. Dear Lord, A couple of things I would like to pray for, a) Lyme disease is terminal and kills you horribly and, b) it's highly contagious in a pub environment. Cheers mate,...I mean Amen.
  14. Silence!, you mongloid gimp.
  15. Isn't the plural hippopotami?
  16. Off topic but, please let it be Dickless.. https://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/23809887.police-outside-norfolk-property-body-discovered/
  17. Oh fuck, I've got private plates on both my main car and my summer one. Although my main car is group 2 insurance so stuff your V6 fingered hand up your arse.
  18. The Salvation Army advert at Christmas is the biggest fucking piss take when they ask for £27.50 to give a homeless person Christmas dinner. Fuck off you cunts, it's only £15.95 in Wetherspoon's. CUNTS.
  19. At first I read that as 'pipe bomb', wishful thinking, so it was, so it was. Feck off
  20. She's dead to me anyhow, what did you have in mind? An XXXL Bully to rip the stupid cunt a new one?
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