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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. That's the point of the inquiry though, witnesses given the legal right of privilege against self incrimination in order to extract the truth.
  2. Congratulations for either, the least popular nomination on Cunts Corner ever, or, being the least popular poster....ever. If I had to provide an opinion, I would say it was most definitely the latter.
  3. Something that's used to playing with balls in pockets is bound to have an advantage on the snooker table.
  4. @ChildeHaroldWhen I first saw the title of this nom. H, I thought it was going to be a niche subject about your decision to become a tranny, but I guess you're going stay a big fucking girl. GFY.
  5. You what?? Has Jeremy Corbyn returned?
  6. Dave Umbongo

    Fog lights

    William Woollard. Awkward?? You cheeky fucking cunt
  7. I've often wondered why it's called menopause and not womenopause?
  8. No, I was thinking of taking a shit in my hands and clapping instead. I think it actually might be more entertaining. Thanks for the offer though.
  9. If any man hugs me they'll get a kiss............................, a Glasgow one.
  10. Animals usually come out of hibernation after winter. Where have you been??
  11. This 'work' attitude clearly doesn't cross species. (Unless by work they mean getting knelt on. lol - fuck off)
  12. If by moon you mean Frank's bare arse, I think he probably has.
  13. That'll be up to her knees then, the saggy titted wench.
  14. Did he turn up late for every shoot??
  15. Matt Bianco?? Wasn't that the band on Saturday Superstore that received the phone call that called them a bunch o' cunts.
  16. Why do you ask? Do you want a fight? That's where that question usually leads.
  17. Not as convincing as the inanimate objects they dress up as, I've heard the 35mm SLR camera is the best one - complete with tripod. Fuck off.
  18. I think the cunt looks less threatening with the suit on.
  19. This nom. Is literally taking the piss. It's worse than the time a fucking mong was whingeing about roundabouts in Postwick.
  20. Don't fucking ridicule the leaderboard, it's a very accurate representation about how absolutely brilliant a poster is. You might want to forewarn your small boat customers that a trip over here will now secure a seat in a bigger boat and not a luxury hotel anymore. GFY
  21. The new ones definitely put LED in his pencil and, plugging them in will make him the brightest he's ever been.
  22. I reckon Uncle Albert was on watch.
  23. It is the place to stash gay porn, or so I've heard, something to do with being an uphill gardener I reckon.
  24. There's still a leaderboard?? I haven't looked. I'm glad you're posting again Snowy, what's the maximum branch diameter that I can put in my garden waste bin?
  25. He made his money advertising Dr Marten boots, didn't he?
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