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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Do you not have a garage or a large garden shed he could carry out home mechanics in?, or do you live in a flat or an alms house like some of the chav sputum on here.
  2. It doesn't sound as if there's going to be any pushing effort when it's time for the sprog to make an appearance. Although I have it on good authority that child birth is so easy you can do it in your sleep - would any of the female members concur with this.
  3. These sound like the opinions of someone who is also morbidly obese. I presume you're a catcher in your gay relationship with a vicar, I honestly don't think you have the stamina to pitch. LOL
  4. Fuck the demon drink. What about people who can't handle their FOOD or, more to the point, people who handle too much food straight into their big fat gobs and then thinks the NHS should bear the cost of getting them out of their depression because they can no longer wear clothes from TopShop, type text messages on their I-phone or wipe their own arse. A prime example of this is the obese Munter, Joanne Keeling, who seems to be plastered all over Sky News. Fat lazy fuckers should be rendered into glue.
  5. You could almost say, "they were only following orders". I've certainly heard that excuse before somewhere.
  6. I would say more like 1-1, both own goals and in off the arse.
  7. I suppose it's better than "Pieface" Although I do believe Katie Price nearly started this trend when she contemplated calling one of her sprogs "Guess Who?" in relation to the unknown parentage.
  8. Mainly the realm of thick uneducated cunts and anyone under the age of 25. Just watched an interview with some mong on BBC News and I gave up counting how many times the word 'Like' was used. I fucking hate it with a passion. Although the cherry on the top of this cuntfest is fucktards who use the word 'More' for things like "that was more louder" or, "Ape is more gayer than Albert". Fucking retard vowel thieves.
  9. I admire that you still find the time to post drivel on here, in between sailing your imaginary yacht around the Med, eating in Spud-U-Like and burying ex girlfriends. Well done.
  10. Yes, but they were probably gay so that would be okay. Presumably it was dispensed from the tiny phallus shaped object being thrust into an orifice.
  11. You could have changed channels, or does your wife tell you what you can watch? Grow a pair.
  12. You can only die once (usually) so when you state she also died three years ago I respectfully have to disagree with you. You stupid fucking cunt.
  13. "Should have gone to Iceland" and pre-loaded on Findus Crispy Pancakes instead.
  14. Pen is the reason the railway company still has the Invester in People acreditation. It just means you employ mongs on minimum wage.
  15. Dave Umbongo

    Kasim Khuram

    A couple of questions about the news article. It doesn't say if the corpses are male or female and as a normal heterosexual male I can just about forgive a rogering of a female corpse, but a male corpse?, well that's just fucking sick. and, does he also have a middle name that begins with a 'k'?, the fucking racist weirdo.
  16. I'm just wondering if she's got teal collar and cuffs. Ummmmmm. A teal bush in a pair of frilly mustard coloured knickers whilst on the blob.
  17. I think you mean 'descend', you stupid fucking twat. Regarding Moron-ohh!. Better now than later as we would have fucked the foreign cunt off anyhow come Brexit.
  18. There is no way any human being could sustain the required wrist action to animate the puppets to an Elvis Greatest Hits CD then go home to pleasure themselves the number of times that Neil does. Although I would say that the 'puppets' do look remarkably similar to a pair of slightly sparkly, crusty socks.
  19. How can anyone be a fucking wanker? You're either doing one or the other. Unless you're talking of your own personal experience of wanking your boyfriend's cock while simultaneously fucking him in the arse. You fucking wanker!
  20. Dave Umbongo


    I thought "bringing home the bacon" meant you had pulled a rather slack fannied bird.
  21. We have wankers in Norfolk too. This one has odd shaped balls according to the headline.
  22. Fucking hell, I saw a bloke with what I thought was a white ponytail the other day. Who would have guessed it was a head rest cover and I suppose it explains why it got stuck to the back of his head
  23. I thought I covered that with the anal sex reference.
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