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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Oh dear. The appeal was refused. Serves the stupid fucking bitch right.
  2. Comparable to Dickyless and his nom about roundabouts.
  3. I thought you might have been the 'tard that arranged them around his carer when they collapsed in the street.
  4. Dex. Have you been fucking around with mine and my neighbours wheelie bins on the streets of Norwich?
  5. Why would anyone want to imagine any grandad masturbating???
  6. Dave Umbongo

    Red Nose Day

    I don't know what I'm meant to do now. Fucking UK gov wants us all to drink responsibly and now Sir Lenny wants me to get a red nose. Well I ain't wasting my money on a sponge fucking hooter when I can make one myself with 3 litres of cider.
  7. If they are its labia I reckon there must have been a ripple of applause while it was still running the race.
  8. Could it drive a car competently? If the answers yes, then there's your answer right there. There really is no need to start looking for balls.
  9. Dave Umbongo


    I've never used a bidet either, mainly because my hand - (brown?) eye coordination is a bit more developed than that of a retarded chimp and I'm not as fat as an over inflated blimp....I mean, my arms aren't too short for my body. Pile of messy shit nom??!
  10. Dave Umbongo

    Red Nose Day

    However, if you try a find a gay man in Fakenham?, there's so many it's getting like the flat earth societies Brighton, wholly aided by the presence of Stephen Fry and his ilk.
  11. That was when we kept our borders shut though! Roll on March 28th.
  12. Do you remember when your Emails took an age because you were using a Hayes Accura 14.4 modem as you couldn't afford the 28.8 because you had spent your last 10p on this week's copy of Look-In?? ......or something equally as boring, Bishop? You stupid fucking reminiscing old cunt.
  13. The only time you're looking at houses is when you and your sort are out on the Rob. Mind you, caravans all look pretty similar too.
  14. Gynaecologist. And still messing around with a load of cunts.
  15. Must be a fucking journalists nightmare. A story that's already had so much garnish and embellishment I think they must have let the big 'Jussie' write it himself.
  16. Did you tell him it's when you evacuate your bowels without a break
  17. I have just about seen enough of this fat fucking poof polluting the TV channels. He's a fat fudge packer that plasters his huge fizzog with make up for his D-grade TV shows and the cunt calls himself a celebrity. Since when did you earn this moniker just for being weirdly different? I hope he/she/it suffers a severe allergic reaction to lip gloss and fucking dies PDQ.
  18. So what are you going to do? Still vote for one of them at the next election. This nom. Is about as definite as taxes and dying and they're cunts too. 2/10. Must try harder. Fucking twat.
  19. She??? You could have fooled me, I just can't zoom in enough to check the Adams apple and 5 O'clock shadow out.
  20. You seriously need to raise your standards Eric, if a wet fanny reminds you of a bag of slugs.
  21. He lost his Cherry to Tarquin at after school chess club.
  22. The telephone, the pneumatic tyre and the television all fucking forgot about as soon as we joined the EU and UK Plc had to start flogging the family silver e.g. privatizing railways, BT and hospitals just to pay our EU membership fees.
  23. You really are a thick skinned twat just like your avatar. Anyhow, how can I be a Brexit loser? I voted leave you stupid cunt, and I would vote no deal aswell. Britain was doing fucking nicely up until about 45 years ago when the lazy cunts of Europe wanted a hand out.
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