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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Home birth for me. Yes, even back then people didn't want to pick up every variant of MRSA known to man.
  2. Just when you want a load of Jason Bourne, Treadstone type people in post we end up with the captain of the Keystone Cops. You do realise the promotion of idiots into positions lower down the hierarchy is a ploy to make the people at the top look better,....I mean, not as shit.
  3. The stupid little cunt could have at least used an Emu's egg. They even grow there, don't they? As for him looking a bit gay and effeminate, I think all Austalians look like this nowadays. Perhaps Southerncunt can confirm.
  4. Superman 3, is that the one with the horny female villain?
  5. Fancy meeting up at Reggies tea stall, Norwich Market, Tuesday at 11am, I've...erm, got something for you.
  6. She sounds completely normal if she's not remotely interested in you.
  7. That said, I have even noticed myself that people who have the Christmas decorations up (on their council home) for a prolonged period of time, also have a shit credit score thanks to thier Sky subscription and the Bet Fred and Brighthouse accounts.
  8. I can't think of anything worse than breaking a dozen virgins in. And, another question, on behalf of another poster on here, are these just female virgins? Because what the fuck is Mohammed Punkape supposed to do if he wants to blow up anything other than his male sex doll?
  9. Why, Ape? Is it because I make you look like a thick cunt?, I embarass you?, or I make you look like a thick cunt? Come on Ape, it's not that difficult, you thick cunt.
  10. Thanks for your resume of the incident Ape, but as an aviator yourself (ha,ha,ha!) What do you think went wrong, Flat battery? or malnourished flight crew?
  11. A friend of mine who is French also thinks he is a cunt. My friend also happens to be black and we call him Freddo, does anyone else think thats weird.
  12. Only if the can is made from tin.
  13. Hate is a word I don't use that often but, I fucking hate the fat talentless sow that is Gemma Collins. I think I hate her as much as Alison Hammond, who also happens to be gargantuan and talentless. And as for that grinning gormo fiance, Arge, I wouldn't dirty my boots kicking the fucking idiot in the cunt.
  14. I can also confirm that white people's arseholes can be a shade of brown particularly after 5+ pints of Guiness with chasers. Apart from Punkers', I imagine his looks like a baboons arse that's been rubbed with P90 sandpaper before having malt vinegar massaged into it.
  15. I think we might be able to save the corner if we can persuade judge to pop into his local takeaway establishment to order pwawn balls and egg fwied wice instead of that reconstituted kebab shit after he's finished in the Blue Oyster tonight. The Chinks will love that.
  16. And there was me thinking the only knife crime that you were passionate about were the plebs that didn't have a fish knife to eat their fish fingers and beans with.
  17. A fucking council employee calling someone bone idle? The world's gone mad.
  18. Dex you fucking wanker. A story in the EDP today leads me to suspect you have recently purchased some CCTV cameras. Why can't you get a normal hobby for flids like flying RC helicopters.
  19. It's to pay for the new carpet in the rates hall. It's impregnated with silver to make it easier to clean after the filthy fucking tenants have left. They also have to pay for the couple of meathead doormen that eject the chaviest of the tenants if they start asking awkward questions about where the Labour council is wasting money on cycle lanes.
  20. Oh yes, I see. Is the good news they seem to have found a cure for arse cancer?
  21. What do you expect when you're trying to portray such a dark subject matter as succeeding in competitive tennis.
  22. Dave Umbongo


    Actually, this sounds like the sort of thing a couple of boring munter tree huggers would say as an excuse because they've never had a boyfriend. They should try getting a job in a home for spastics as you can fall pregnant in there even when you're in a coma. A miracle just like the Bethlehem fairy tale.
  23. I thought this was originally a reality TV programme as they cant be short of cast members to play prisoners can they. Oh, by the way Southern Cunt, my great great great great great grandad wants his loaf of bread back.
  24. Dave Umbongo


    The threat of global warming? Is that all? I can't even begin to imagine what these women would do if the country was in the middle of a civil war, a famine or a drought. Knock out even more of the little cunts probably, like they do in deepest darkest Africa and other similar places.
  25. Where's the fucking Manc twat, cycle ninja to add his opinion?
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