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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Oh, rumbled! What gave it away? Was it the edited word being in block capitals and the fact I actually told you I had edited your post. Anyhow, got another warning point from your closet doorman, Roops.
  2. Right on brother! (probably)
  3. I didn't know you were 14yrs old in the initial post you fucking spaz. Although you may have grown physically, what fucking excuse have you got for your mental age stagnating like an hormonal, sausage munching ponce?
  4. Bit late in the year for snowflakes, isn't it?
  5. It was probably a look of shock to see someone like yourself actually eating a banana rather than stuffing it up your arse.
  6. Well, I hope he's smiling on his night out otherwise, who would know?
  7. I think the 'swing' is actually reference to his arm action when he's throwing stones at all the gay types.
  8. Dave Umbongo

    Jemma Beale

    And you are not a real Bishop.........or a woman. Anyone want to borrow a wire cut engineering brick to comb this thick cunts hair with.
  9. Has anyone considered the possibility that a lot more teachers are shit ones nowadays? They just seem to follow a lesson plan based around a curriculum without a care or a thought about the QUALITY of teaching provided until it comes to exam time when all the past papers are wheeled out and they give pointers on what to revise.
  10. Dave Umbongo

    650 Cunts

    Don't be so fucking daft. He is clearly referring to his Hawker Siddeley HS121.
  11. Dave Umbongo

    Jemma Beale

    Oh, if she was then I totally get the sexy beast reference in the film title.
  12. 4) Doesn't waste time with shoe shopping. Dislikes, 1) Can't reach the sink. But thank fuck for height adjustable ironing boards.
  13. I've gone right off my tea now. It was Findus Crispy Pancakes with Ape Beans tonight as well.
  14. I see the WaterAid adverts have dried up at the moment (excuse the pun)
  15. Do it Dex. I've just realised I've had the previous misfortune of working with their chair of the board of directors in a different role. She was pretty fucking uninspiring then aswell.
  16. Are you now describing it as an average citizen? I think we've already established she would be categorised below average in pretty much all departments apart from weight.
  17. I'd rather the cunt stop to answer the mobile, catch Pokemon or connect on Grindr than try and do it whilst still moving.
  18. I wonder if there would be as much of a story if, A) she didn't class herself as a 'traveller' (is it even a race?) 2) she was a he. C) it wasn't a mentalist. D) it wasn't naked underneath it's clothing. (WTF??) Load of fucking bollox story only made popular by BBC culture.
  19. Even Michael fucking Phelps would struggle to swim in handcuffs so it must be true about drugs making you over estimate your abilities.
  20. I see Cockney Cat Rescuers aka London Fire Brigade have joined the fight against sexism by wading in to children's TV programmes. I guess the pool table is broken again so they must have tuned in to daytime TV and been offended. Stick to putting chip pans out and local fete appearances rather than creating arguments from nothing. Oh, and I reckon the Barbie doll will put more girls off from becoming Fire fighters because they won't like the colour of the outfit and it doesn't come with a hand bag for make up.
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