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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Breakfast is called that because you are Breaking the overnight Fast that occurs when you are asleep for 7- 9 hours. If you find that pre 11:30am is too early for your breakfast then you need to get up out of bed at normal people's time and stop being a lazy (stupid and fucking boring) cunt.
  2. So Guinness won't be the only black shit coming out of Ireland then.
  3. What a bunch of cunts. In my experience Calvin Klein's collect skid marks just as easy as Primark Essentials.
  4. Dave Umbongo

    Wild Justice

    A rather immediate suggestion for these TB encouraging eco-warriors is perhaps banning the sale of disposable barbecues unless it's absolutely pissing down. The fires on the moors have done more environmental damage than Red Adair did in his entire career.
  5. I think you used your one humorous quote for the day on the Inappropriate Crowdfunding nom. Well done. Piss poor effort on this one though.
  6. My parents, both in their 70's are salivating at the chance to vote for Nigel Farage whichever party he's representing. Must be an age thing.
  7. In wildest Norfolk we've recently had some poor young chap wiped out in a motorbike crash. Luckaszzsz was originally from Poland and the family now need to crowdfund £2.5k to send his body to Poland for his funeral (no life insurance). If they haven't got the money why not cremate him here and Deliveroo him (by one of his relatives probably) back to the homeland for a service.
  8. Fashion sense is a skill you never lose. Ooerrr, you bitch!
  9. Looks like Israel was right. God does indeed punish the gays, next stop hell. Lol.
  10. Is it a child? These Manga cartoon people all look the same to me. Just saying.
  11. I bet Punkape would turn up at his golf club in jeans if it meant getting arrested by the Cunstable driving this.
  12. Surely you'd do some cunts for free? Guard and Ape must be contenders.
  13. What? On £4.80 pints of Spick lager from your favourite gay bar?
  14. How can it be libellous if it's true. You twat.
  15. Someone told me you got a warning from Roops. You twat.
  16. Children??? Couple of major issues. 1) Abbott is 65 years old, so how old are these 'children'? And 2) has anybody got a photo of the actual turkey baster that was used to fertilise the eggs of this sour faced, bullshitting slag?(don't try and tell me a man has actually put a body part in it)
  17. What the fuck is it with these Labourite chavs and their fucking animal print clothing. Abbott-the-Hut has even extended it to her bingo slippers and, why isn't the dopey fat cow not drinking a low calorie drink?
  18. I vaguely remember the opening titles with her crushing a tennis ball and thought to myself, $6million to crush a ball is a bit shit.
  19. Don't tell me you're the Chutney monkey equivalent of The Fry Up Inspector. I fucking knew it, and you're the sort of weasley cunt that would say they're visiting for research purposes.
  20. No. But we do have Hawkshead, John Menzies (for those that can read) and BB Adams.
  21. I've always suspected you don't think. Thanks for confirming. Thick cunt.
  22. Actually it's a fucking TERMINUS and not a station, you fucking piss soaked hag.
  23. Serves you right for drinking Spanish dish water. Cunts like you drinking exotic piss lead to the demise of Norwich Brewery.
  24. I think now would be a good time to leave so we don't have to contribute to the rebuilding of the shit pit known as Notre Dame. No offence Scrotes, so don't get the hump. I can just imagine the typical Frenchman just shrugging his shoulders and taking a long drag on their Gitanes when Salisbury Cathedral burnt down. Dozy cunts.
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