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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. You'd have to smash the glass their kept in first.
  2. I've got a bucket he can kick.
  3. Reminds me of a toy I had as a kid.........
  4. I never realised that fall down stairs a few years back caused that much facial disfiguration and even her lips are still swollen from the impact.
  5. It's either the twat in the piss yellow tracksuit with errrrr...piss yellow hair or any of the Catholic priests. They're as bent as the heavy end of a golf club which, coincidentally, is also a game for queers. Fuck off. Lol. Etc.
  6. Dave Umbongo


    True dat. Rumour has it he practised for a couple of days by changing his diet to the tins of beans 'n' sausages.
  7. Dave Umbongo


    A kick in the face with a steel toe capped boot wouldn't ruin this cunts looks but I'd do it anyhow.
  8. When you say 'parked' do you mean come to rest in the local dogging hotspot? And is it possible that the damage was caused by a member of the 'audience'?
  9. Dave Umbongo


    Reported for editing quotes??!!?
  10. The bearded clowns already listed would attract my fist in their face. Roops' growler would do the same if I weren't so worried about losing my wrist watch.
  11. No, not the mid 70's to mid 80's TV series starring a wannabe SAS soldier and a mis-guided hairdresser. This nom. Is about the fucking idiots that actually get paid for doing stuff and technically are professional but, when it comes down to it, actually aren't. Take the latest example, the supposedly best cyclist in the world, Chris Froome. Alright I can't cycle as fast as this drug infused lycra queen but I can safely say I have never steered my cycle straight into a wall. I think I'll turn professional.
  12. Dave Umbongo


    "In space, no one can hear you..........calling someone a cunt"
  13. I quite like yours King, it's bland just like your personality. Don't get one.
  14. The default silhouette picture makes you look normal when clearly you are not. Get a fucking avatar you lazy cunt, something like a picture of Harveee Price would do.
  15. The sooner these Neanderthals get independence the fucking better. This particular Scottish bloke does seem to be remarkably stupid even for their standards.
  16. You're taking your family to look at a tree for a whole day?? You boring cunt.
  17. Dave Umbongo

    Mrs McCann

    Kate should admit defeat and accept the fact that she'll never see Maddie again. I'm just deciding whether I would offer to help her make a replacement as she hasn't aged well and doesn't look as fuckable as she once did. Like Neil, I'm usually not that fussy but even rapists have standards.
  18. A simple response from the simplest of contributers(?) Well done you fucking mong.
  19. It probably whiffs of cheese and garlic so not an unexpected revelation, to be honest.
  20. I see you still haven't got around to reading your "How to win friends and influence people" book.
  21. Apparently towels are also the best contraception device, sanitary towels, that is.
  22. TBH i thought my comment was very offensive before i posted it but then i decided to give it the same level of consideration that she did before nicking that money.
  23. Well they are called HAIR dryers, not Head Hair Dryers. What's your fucking problem?
  24. I also see that she is despised so much that even her unborn child decided to end it all in the womb than have this deceitful slag as a mother.
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