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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. With a name like Dart he does indeed sound a bit of a prick (LOL, Fuck off, cunt etc). Presumably his hours of wanking, i mean studying in front of the computer didn't extend to the meaning of a democratic vote and the impacts of reversal. What a fucking soft, southern poof.
  2. Does race crime attract a 'reverse burden of proof'? Should have been asked to go to the station to investigate an allegation of a crime, not simply arrested. Keystone, springs to mind.
  3. It's a fucking good job it rained overnight in Norwich. I would avoid Chapelfield Gardens if I was you though Neil, the wet weather has brought the snails and slugs out, at least I think that's what the glistening trails are on the grass although it could be more leaking arse gravy.
  4. Chest of drawers in the bedroom or one of the kitchenette cupboards?
  5. Or, staying on topic of the original nom. London Pride. Those cock loving cockneys are so proud of their gay marches they've made a beer about it, unfortunately it's not a ginger beer.
  6. Really. What did they brew there? Something like Proper Job, Ghost Ship or maybe, rather ironically, Spitfire.
  7. I'm the same with that lisping/gurning fucking mongrel from Watchdog. You know, the one that seems to always have a mid-shit expression on her face.
  8. Was it Angela Hartnett by any chance?
  9. They've made some errors in casting though. Like that actor Paul Walker from the Fast and Furious films. Turns out he can't fucking drive to save his life.
  10. Dave Umbongo


    If your twiglet fucking legs can support you.
  11. Have you ever watched wheelchair rugby? It's like a cross between a WWE elimination match and robot wars.
  12. 81 year old Dikshit sounds like Punky hasn't washed is cock for a while.
  13. Doesn't any potential birthday present rely heavily on the age of the recepient? For example, I wouldn't dream of gifting a maxi-pack of Tena Lady to my niece, she is only 8. Whereas I would imagine you would be grateful for such a gift, you leaky old slag.
  14. Welcome to the corner See You, and congratulations on keeping your description of posts deadly accurate.
  15. I want all gingers dead, not just the Scottish ones. No offence intended. Fuck off.
  16. I'd make the cunt wish that he'd never had a tattoo. I'd like to try and remove them with 60grit wet & dry, and salt with vinegar.
  17. I wouldn't mind betting the flat cap that the gurning fool is wearing in his picture is a little flatter now, and probably ever so sticky.
  18. He was a train enthusiast. I believe we have our own that regularly posts shit on this site. Ergo, whatever makes you think the stupid cunt is of sound mind?..............., or this Simon Brown character.
  19. I'm proud to say that the only difference between Boris and Donald is that we weren't fucking stupid enough to actually vote the cunt in.
  20. Says the old hag who can only manage a toothy smile when she drinks out of the glass they're kept in overnight.
  21. Who would have expected such a selfish opinion from an American?? Fucking idiot.
  22. And MORE importantly, what the fuck are they going to do in Indonesia if they aren't sewing Everlast, Karrimor or any other outsourced British label clothing for a pittance.
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