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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. You fucking stupid Yankee doodle twat. It's LICENCE with a C, not an S. The same with OFFENCE, which coincidentally reminds me, your existence offends me.
  2. Janet street porter. This no-mark G-list sleb is moving to Norfolk and I reckon she'll be living in Redwings.
  3. Dave Umbongo

    Google Camp

    I suspected he was a fan of Harry Styles but do you really think Jewdy spends his cash on his records when it could be spent on pints of Double Diamond and a kebab?
  4. You mean you're one of those foreign types that me and my best mate Nigel talks about.
  5. If you ask me the seagull did the little cunt a favour. He was probably pissed off being this bucket fannies fashion accessory.
  6. And don't get me started on the restaurants that treat the menus like a top secret dossier which can't be left lying around on the table, as if patrons are more likely to steal a laminated piece of card rather than the cutlery!! Fucking idiots.
  7. What, at midnight?? Last time i checked Ireland is in the same time zone as us, unless it's the only time a little faggoty poof like yourself is allowed anywhere near the course.
  8. Happy Meal and Fillet of Fish Burger!
  9. Don't forget the tattoos, they always seem to find the money for the tattoo of the little cunts name and their birth date even when they cant afford to feed the fuckers. At the end of the day its just a game, a game to see how much they can get somebody else to pay for. Oh, and Dex, you do get child benefit for your three kids don't you?
  10. Less Americans in the world has got to be a good thing, surely. Long may it continue and Y'all have a nice day now.
  11. It's spelt Colour with a 'u', you fucking Yankee cunt and besides, Pantone is primarily for inks and gay artist types. Men use either DCD or Ral colour references. What Pantone shade is your presidents hair? Fuck UrSelf.
  12. In the 80's? A Marathon, you thick fucking twat.
  13. Didn't something similar to this happen in Clogland involving some young lad fingering a prostitute?
  14. Doesn't OakHouseFoods already have this on the menu?
  15. https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/black-country/devastating-m6-holiday-inn-fire-16692040 Do i really need to explain the message in my original post?
  16. Can you say Jerrycan now? You racist cunt.
  17. I recently visited a local manor to the East of Norwich which has a spa attached and the sauna was that hot I couldn't sit on the upper seat, the lower seat was just about tolerable. What will it take for the managers of these facilities to turn the temperature down a bit?
  18. As they say, "Life goes on". Anyone got her Tindr contact?
  19. Milli vanilli. Granted not as good as previous ones in terms of the challenge but they were a couple of far bigger cunts than your lightweights.
  20. If you ask me anyone whose first and last name ends with the same two letters is a 24 carat prized cunt. Unfortunately I can't think of any more examples to prove my point.
  21. I can safely say that, whether I am unconscious on my home from the pub or not, I fucking hate gingers.
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