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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. I'd sell up if I were you Ape. You could then use the profits to buy some charisma for your mundane persona. Alas I think you may need significantly more than £80K.
  2. Sorry to disappoint you ShittyPecker but I get it delivered by some mong in an Asda truck. Did you know the stupid fucks don't use bags anymore?
  3. If it doesn't effect you it means one of 3 things, 1) you opted out. 2) you're already retired or, 3) you're not a woman. For the record, I still have opinions on things that don't affect me, and I think the decision was brilliant to establish the equality that women rightly campaign for. Ms Pankhurst would be proud.
  4. What irritates me most is the fat cunts with about 140 quids worth of the latest running shoe on their fat, featureless, trotters when it's quite clear the shoes are not going to realise their potential. I suppose they come in handy to get them to the front of the buffet queue.
  5. It's the terrible two's and they're just testing boundaries. Anyhow, what's your opinion on the WASPI verdict?
  6. It's all about the percentages. 4x other arseholes on a site with about 12x regular posters, and then you allow for the multi-IDs, then it's about 50%. (as calculated by D Abbott.)
  7. 20 or so posts critiquing fellow posters contributions and then you go and drop kick this absolute masterpiece on us. You really are an eloquent wordsmith that knows no equal. You thick cunt.
  8. My apologies Stubby. Fuck off. Everyone's a critic, and in all honesty, I would try and be more like you but I just can't bring myself to pass comment on other posters contributions when posting such boring shit myself. You could learn something here, before you become Frank Lite.
  9. For fucks sake. I'm definitely going to have a nightmare tonight. Thanks, cunt.
  10. Is it just me or does Nikki Fox look like the love child of Janet Street-Porter and Davros? Yes, I've got Watchdog on the TV again.
  11. Its BACS transferred now you backward cunt and I'm doing a Dryathon for Oktoberfest so my output might be worse than my usual high standard for the next 3 weeks.
  12. Ohhh! Think twice, It's just another day for you and me in paradise,
  13. He's the 2nd worst for me. How are you today Dex?
  14. I'm not so sure. In the original star wars, just after our heroes found themselves in the rubbish compactor, I'm sure I saw a stormtrooper emptying a shitty creme bin down the chute.
  15. Fuck all that superfluous shit. Have you got AIDS and how long have you got?
  16. Unless they start making microphones white, well no, not really. What a strange question.
  17. The only Swede I was remotely fond of was Chef from The Muppets.
  18. It's not his country. They nicked it off the Indians about 300 years ago.
  19. Year ending financial accounts? Don't just book them Thomas cooks them. I think they're being flambed this time.
  20. No one knows what he looks like, so don't rule it out.
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