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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. I feel utterly fucking offended (on behalf of black people & Eddie) that a day when the retailers wheel out all the shit redundant crap they can't usually sell on any other day of the year and they call it 'black' friday. Racist fucking cunts
  2. Funnily enough, a fart sounds more intelligible than an American accent. Just my opinion, you understand.
  3. The parasitic worm must be more of a fucking retard than our own worm if it thinks there's anything to eat in Eric's skull.
  4. Damn! Is your missus really that incontinent?
  5. I saw the interview and his sweating problem seems to have been cured, so not all doom and gloom for Andy at the moment. #silverlinings
  6. It sounds as if he's been in one too many tunnels already.
  7. The closest a poof like yourself is going to get to a pussy is when one shits in your garden. LOL. fuck off. peasant. etc..etc
  8. The Alzheimers Society are the biggest culprits of this, in my opinion. Excellent nom.
  9. Now I know how you feel, as I've just pissed myself (laughing) at your play on words. So clever.
  10. I'm sure they would have donated sack loads.
  11. I'm actually surprised this is still hosted by the BBC given their record of harbouring presenters with a little too much interest in the 'needs' of children.
  12. There was me thinking you would see faeces and not faces, especially not yours, but I guess there isn't that much difference. Haha Haha.
  13. Careful Stubbs. You might be waking up next to Frank with a mysteriously sore arsehole.
  14. Typical. If I had to put money on the one poster to have a GIF of an erect cock, it would be you. Congratulations on being predictable............................and a bender ( probably)
  15. My cat doesn't shit in the neighbours garden because I've taught him to shit on his car instead.
  16. https://news.sky.com/story/man-jailed-after-setting-his-dog-on-neighbours-cat-in-fatal-attack-11861146 This cunt deserves a good rub with P60 sand paper before throwing into a bath of malt vinegar and held there for 2 hours. Cunt.
  17. It's just a pity they seem to be as frequent as leap years.
  18. They're talking about you, Decimus.
  19. Right. I feel now is the time to tell you how 'films' work. It's not fucking real you dopey old bint.
  20. Stupid fucking council. Haven't they heard of platform lifts. FFS we sent people to the moon over 50 years ago and to get a wheelchair from pavement level the council come up with this giant fucking Mecanno set. I think the audience were mostly laughing at the ineptitude of the council.
  21. Don't forget the fire retardant abilities of the polystyrene cement holding the little plastic parts together
  22. Wouldn't the downforce from the rotor blades suppress the flames??
  23. Back in the actual world we live in, the real question pops up. How much is it going to fucking cost? 2 fucking days. Because no matter how little of a fraction of a day you're using you're paying for it. Fucking teachers are out of touch with reality.
  24. Don't worry salty. You can observe it about 3 weeks later in honour of the Americans arriving late for the war as well.
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