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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. I can see why you like him. He's just as much of an annoying cunt as you are.
  2. Dave Umbongo


    I imagine that getting kicked by Frank is akin to getting flicked by a couple of sticks of dried spaghetti...........or slapped by the rotor blades of a toy helicopter.
  3. Dave Umbongo


    You fucking cunt. I was in 3 Bunhill Row today. If I had read your message earlier I would have popped over and given every other poster an early Christmas present by stamping on your stupid twiglet legs.
  4. Lenny could learn a thing or two from George the poet. I do note though that George loves his country so much that he still lives in the UK.
  5. Premier Jour by Nina Ricci, apparently. I probably would have used an old Tweed by Lentheric bottle as all old women use this for its ability to mask the smell of piss.
  6. I would voluntarily do this before cleaning my shoes with your cutlery. Eat shit Ape.
  7. I accept it was an absolute piss poor response to a nom. But Insult me like that again and you'll be receiving a bottle of Russian perfume for Christmas
  8. That's the one. Although the way you've described him, he sounds a bit of a cunt too.
  9. Now, to be honest I was expecting a porn flick. Turns out it's about rival gangs in London who, surprise surprise, turn out to be tanned. Now I'm sure they're excellent actors in their own right but couldn't the writers introduced some colour (I.e white) into the plot otherwise people will think it's an actual fly on the wall documentary and they are the only trouble makers. Come on Lenny, speak up or is racism a one way street?
  10. More bullshit from King Walter of Mittyville. No one believes you Frankie so why don't you go the whole hog and become a politician, and then do a JoCocks.
  11. A good subject nom. but I'm disappointed to not see any links to a BBC exclusive. It is my understanding that you need a particular breed of dog to partake in this activity. Why don't we just exterminate all them as well?
  12. I knew it wasn't Dex as I know roughly where he lives and it's not Filby as reported in the story. I just thought the location was close enough to give him a poke. I also know he's not a council house dweller - the primary subject of the nom. All of the information is in the archives somewhere, about the same time as his all-time classic nom. about roundabouts in Postwick. I'd be happy with another warning point but tell me, how many do I need to win a prize?
  13. It's not really because they've already told me it was someone else. Keep up, FFS.
  14. Have I upset you? Do you live in a council house by any chance?
  15. If you woke up everyday and realised you were Ape would you have a bad day? Anyhow, back to the nom. Aren't council house dwellers thick or what? They do all sorts of daft shit like remove artex from the walls using a belt sander without first getting someone to check if it contains asbestos.
  16. fortunately I'm in bed already, watching the darts, only because the rest of the CuntyBB family is watching I'm an X-Sleb Get Me Out of Here or some other dreary shit in the lounge.
  17. Accept my apologies Dex, but you must understand that purely based on the content of everything you've ever posted on here I naturally assumed the stupid cunt in the article was definitely you. Prehaps a close relative then?, after all isn't everyone a close relative in Yarmouth?
  18. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/filby-bungalow-flood-eric-johnson-1-6390939 Decimus, you cunt. Are you the thick twat in this story that wasn't satisfied not to get wiped by the first electric shock so tried again. To cap it all the stupid cunt hasn't got insurance. Is it any wonder that some thick cunts don't aspire to nothing more than living in a council hovel just outside of Yarmouth - that is you Decs.
  19. Just because somebody is far intellectually superior to you there's no need to refer to them as a 'smart-arse'. Take it on the chin Ape, and accept that you're one of the 'special' members of the site.
  20. Roops warned twats like yourself for picking up on spelling errors. You walked straight into my trap again, you fucking moron.
  21. Pray tell, what the fuck is Carlsburg?
  22. You really must be one dumb mutha fucka if our resident yank is telling you how to write in English.
  23. ............this is your last post. Although I think everyone else on here would describe that as excellent news.
  24. I don't socially mix with boring pricks so cannot comply with your suggestion.
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