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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. You're so fucking shit you didn't even get a mention in the list of spazmoids above. You're such a non-entity. Merry Christmas, Bloo Funder.
  2. I am actually quite happy you're not coming to mine over Christmas, mainly because I haven't invited you, you boring cunt.
  3. Did he answer to the name MikeD by any chance?
  4. Somebody had better finish this cunt Liam Whoriskey when he's inside. I will consider my taxes to be well spent when this happens.
  5. And it would look like the tree had too many branches with his twig like legs hanging down.
  6. Talking of Justin fucking Welby, I see he's given a Christmas message about the direction of the UK being wrong. Well forgive me for not giving two flying fucks what this frock wearing reader of fairy stories things. He even passed comment on the Prince Andrew saga when in reality it would have been better if he gave him some advice a few years earlier, you know, stuff about how not to get caught fiddling with kids etc like the rest of the Anglican clan.
  7. Give her a break, her periods just started so she should be okay for the next 3 weeks but she's so worried about wasting the planets natural resources she's taking to washing her tampons out so they can be re-used.
  8. Do they have roundabouts in Australia, Southerncunt?
  9. It truly is. homocopter-gay-pride-helicopter-funny-t-shirt-mens-premium-t-shirt.webp
  10. If his physique looked quite skeletal I imagine it might have been Frank during another attempt to resurrect Ming in time for Christmas so he won't be on his own.
  11. This might work as the fairy on top.
  12. Beans? Check, model toys? Check, zero charisma? Check, voted Labour? Check. Wanker.
  13. Well people nominate something they think is a cunt, and other people respond. You actually posted this nom. yourself and, in case you've forgotten it, its "Cunts who forget". Now would you rather your mum came back from the shop and say, "oh sorry, I forgot" or would you rather eat Toffos? Show some fucking gratitude FFS.
  14. At least she remembered something you ungrateful slag.
  15. A train. Nice, and obviously First Class, extra wide gauge.
  16. Well done. For proving my point, yet again.
  17. Showing off to Glowworm again. You're finished on here you one trick pony. 10 Run 'Ape' 20 criticise every other poster 30 goto 20
  18. What's the difference between a porcupine and a taxi full of Americans? Prick.
  19. You seem obsessed with Willie's, and more worryingly mine, are you an arse bandit?
  20. Make me laugh or fuck off, redneck.
  21. Shove your designer shit up your arse. Norwich has a new Primark opening today.
  22. But unfortunately they were busy...........being the bride. Boom! Boom!
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