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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Yes, another confused young white priviledge woman who hasn't a clue which orifice is used for shit to come out of. Short story, she was harassing youngsters that were cleaning graffiti relating to Black protests that had been daubed on a Whitehall monument. She looks the type who deserves a mystery tour in the back of Neil's van.
  2. Dave Umbongo

    Mrs McCann

    Have a like, not for the joke but for the irony of the fat slag coming from the most appropriately named European country.
  3. Dave Umbongo

    Mrs McCann

    11 million fucking quid spent so far trying to find a scapegoat for the McCanns incompetence as parents. That would have brought about 30 replacement kids, ask Madonna and Angelina Jolie if you don't believe me.
  4. Dave Umbongo

    Mrs McCann

    doing a good job incompetently is worse than doing a shit job well in my opinion. You can see it in all elements of life, even the moderation on here.
  5. Dave Umbongo

    Mrs McCann

    And what really happened. Kate gave Maddie a sedative after Gerry had already given her some. They think happy days, we've got a long night out planned she'll be comatose for the next 12 hours. Unfortunately she died as a result of a sedative overdose and the McCanns 13 years trying to find a scapegoat. It was just so fucking obvious from the outset.
  6. Dave Umbongo

    Mrs McCann

    That's quite enough of a worldwide pandemic and a dead black criminal hogging all the fucking headlines. Time to resurrect this old goto headline of British journalism as the McCanns are getting terribly tired of this lockdown and the absence of a spotlight on their predicament which after all they didn't bring upon themselves when they left their children asleep unattended in what is commonly know as the paedo capital of Europe. FFS
  7. You've been edited by a moderator you thick cunt. I'm guessing your descriptive 'blacks' previously began with an N. You stupid fucking racist.
  8. Even though you're a woman and mustn't have an opinion on sport I totally agree. It's not even TCR racing because the cunts never overtake.
  9. If the BBC think that a good use of my licence fee is to investigate hardship for prossies on the other side of the world they've got another thing coming. Why should I fucking want to know or care as a) I'm not planning to travel to that convict shit pit anytime soon and, b) I have no need for a prossie as I'm busy enough in that department.
  10. Keep your fucking caravans away from our Park and Ride sites.
  11. I bet Neil's got this one for Talking Beaver. It sounds like his sort of niche interest.
  12. That came from the bargain bin in Woolworths, she found it amongst the K-tel albums and the Ronco crap household tools, basically shit that no other cunt would dream of buying. Unfortunately the instruction manual for the brain got mixed up with a Ronco Buttoneer and therefore she still hasn't figured out how to use it properly.
  13. Yes, but I was brought up with phone boxes that took 2p's and shillings so a PAC code seems just like some unnecessary shit to make something much more complicated than it needs to be in order for service providers to make it as difficult as possible for punters to leave.
  14. Perhaps they've all got Coronavirus, they say one of the symptoms is a loss of taste! Who the fuck wants plywood furniture that's less stable than the fucking cardboard box it comes in anyhow?
  15. The useless fucking rag head mong has now. Although, I don't think the cunt was working from home as it sounded as though he had nipped into a curry house for lunch. If I was being cynical I would say perhaps he's answering phones for 3UK while working in his uncles restaurant.
  16. Fucking cunts of society that deserve crucifying from their own masts. I cancelled a contract on line in January and all went quiet until today when I received an arrears invoice because apparently if you haven't used a PAC or STAC code in 30 days the contract continues. Well no cunt told me and more importantly no cunt has issued a PAC or STAC code for me to use within the 30 days. So it would appear if you want to cancel a mobile contract you have to be on hold for 35+ minutes before speaking to Mohammed in pidgeon English to get the cunts to cancel the contract you 'cancelled' on their website 5 months ago. Fucking wankers.
  17. She would probably get stuck in the hole in the cliff.
  18. You've read my previous posts. Isn't it obvious even to even someone of slow wit and low intellect like yourself that I am above average intelligence for this site - I have to admit that the bar is artificially low thanks to a number of posters that I'm not going to name but one is obviously an early riser and another is a skinny cunt from the South of France.
  19. My rental property only has 4x loos so hopefully my current tenants have seriously considered this before having people visit. I might have to charge them for an extra deep clean should they decide to vacate.
  20. While there are gullible and foolish fucktards using up vital oxygen on the planet then these schemes will still persist. I have never subscribed to any such mail order club, obviously.
  21. Dave Umbongo

    Button Moon

    Was it sponsored by Heinz by any chance. How the fuck Crosse & Blackwell or Branston didn't sue when this was aired I'll never know. Ape, a Tesco Value bean can would probably have less structural rigidity than the shitty beans inside and therefore totally unsuitable to make the fuselage of a space rocket. Sorry.
  22. It certainly would be a tough call between two cunts having a hissy fit and RuPauls Drag Queen.
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