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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Reading the SkyNews (cunts!) reporting say they had spoken to some asylum seekers housed in said hotel who have complained about the poor conditions one even said, "the intermittent wi-fi made it difficult to contact people back home".!!! What the fucking, fuckity fuck do these fucking piss taking cunts expect?? I'll be extremely disappointed if only three of the cunts are dead now.
  2. People who are 6'4" and built like brick shithouses still have snapable necks, just saying. Although I would rather see the cunt pissing his pants like a 3 year old after I stamped one of the cunts knee joints backwards, simple, you don't even get your hands dirty.
  3. Don't you think there is enough excreta type flotsam in the sea already. Oil's cheap at the moment, why not dowse them in that and watch the ignition from either their traditional B&H or the cherry menthol E-cig.
  4. What I find surprising is that he was assigned one-to-one supervision but was allowed out in society for up to 4 hours on his own????? What would they have done if he was 4 hours and 10 minutes? Had a fucking enquiry and reprimanded him? You can achieve a hell of a lot in 4 hours, shoot up a school in Dunblane for example, or become a Raul Moat style martyr. Fucking load of old wank.
  5. It takes longer to colour in black legs on a cartoon. Nothing racist in that, it's just they don't want to waste all the black ink.
  6. I once competed for my school in the county athletics championship running the 100metres. Herewith is my apology for being a racist.
  7. The racist agenda has been hijacked by the leftist, tree hugging, snowflakes that are only intent on causing disruption to the democratic governments because they think their ideology is the only one that must be followed and if you don't think the same way as them then you must be a cunt. They'll get all their minions (currently known as BLM supporters) to eliminate anyone that stands in their way, including the police by defunding them. What a fucking shit storm!! If Churchill was here now we would be looking for a second Australia for all these AntiFa cunts.
  8. Do you know if they might be interested in a Whicker Man? There's some minor discolouration from scorching but it's not been used for 146 years. Any reasonable offer considered.
  9. Alas, the fact that they were riding one these fad pieces of waste engineering means the damage to their cranium is hereditary and therefore they are completely wasting their money wearing a helmet
  10. I put Ice Magic on my ice cream. Does that count you fucking homo??
  11. He only donated the £140k because he's now been shamed into paying tax and this donation will be tax deductible so in real terms it costs him fuck all. All the rich cunts do it. He even donates money like a cunt so he must be one massive fucking bell end cunt that even a die hard AntiFA, Brexit supporting tree hugger would fuck over.
  12. You know I think you're right Punky, all homosexual shit stabbers. Yesterday, I thought this was bad news whereas today it's obviously good news. It really is a topsy turvy world at the moment.
  13. With another fucking disaster relating to the infamous MI5 watch list it makes me wonder if they've sub-contracted this out to Group 4 to manage and they're using Holly from Red Dwarf to come up with the computations.
  14. Are you having pot noodle for lunch and dinner this week? Ape might have some recipes for cold baked beans if you get fucked off with the Bombay Bad Boy. If you're interested I'm having roasted salmon with a honey glaze served with dauphinoise potatoes and mange tout. Bon apetit! How is the refitting of the kitchen going?
  15. Wind the cunt up with clear sellotape. stick a small piece either over the earpiece or the mouth piece (never both) of his desk phone. next time the cunt is on the phone watch the action and smile as he will either think he is going deaf or he starts shouting like a fucking banshee just to make himself heard. Completely harmless. Or try smearing chocolate spread under the handles to his desk drawers for an immediate, more dramatic effect.
  16. I would have thought the only thing that requires replacing in your house would be all the curtains especially if, like most people, you were unable to buy any tissue to clean up your wank juice.
  17. What fucking idiot schedules their kitchen to be replaced on a Friday which also coincides with a pandemic which closed all eating establishments apart from foreign muck takeaways????? Why???
  18. Dave Umbongo

    Dominic Raab

    Even Google Translate reckons this shit isn't worth reading. Suits me.
  19. Dave Umbongo

    Dominic Raab

    Well if he thinks it's 'okay' now he should show it using his right hand.👌
  20. Now that I'm sober I can see the real point of this nom. and it has nothing to do with Grandma Apes garden waste bin, it is purely jealousy that the neighbour is a real pilot who has actually flown an aeroplane and Ape stands in the middle of field wearing his replica Topgun jacket and RayBans, fiddling with his joystick whilst looking skywards at a piece of plastic that's got as much lift as Camberwells' tits.
  21. Oh fuck. I haven't committed a race crime have I?
  22. "Hello, hello, what have we here? We'll have no Snowflakes here, this site is a cunting site for cunty people." Fuck off to MumsNet you soft cunt.
  23. When I was at school there were very few kids that had access to free school meals that because they were called 'school meals' were given at school time. What's all this fucking bollocks about kids needing free food during holiday time as well? I'll tell you what it is, stupid fucking parents who think it's more important that little Jason or Kylie has got the latest sweatshop manufactured Nike trainers, mobile phone or their parent(s) 'need' another tattoo that says what a good mummy they are. Peoples fucking priorities are fucked up and more importantly if you can't afford to look after your kids with the current state handout of Child Benefit, don't fucking have them you feckless fucking useless cunts even if it means you can't bid for that 3-bed semi on the housing waiting list. Fuck I'm pissed off, and that Marcus Rashford cunt can put his hand in his own pocket to show his allegience to the cause, the fucking scouse cunt.
  24. Alcohol kills 99.99% of viruses and bacteria, dimwit. The only one that isn't effected is the Norovirus because it doesn't have a fatty coating that the alcohol penetrates.
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