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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. As long as she didn't talk with that annoying, whining voice. I'm fussy like that.
  2. You wouldn't find any of my posts funny Ape as it takes a higher level of intelligence than you currently possess. Try smacking your head with a house brick for at least 2 minutes and then re-read, you dozy prick.
  3. What is it with old cunts that wear a wrist watch half way up their forearm as if he's just been fisting Punky up the A-hole. It looks more like a fucking elbow watch.
  4. 'scrotes you fucking faux surrendering frog cunt, even your prime minister has thrown in the towel and is now running for the hills. What the fuck is going on?
  5. You're not actually French Withers so don't try and take credit for someone else's efforts like a dirty stinking frog would. Check my posting history you div, and I'll think you'll find it was me that started all this shit about Ape's favourite hobby. You and Punkers just cottoned onto it like the intertwined poofters you are. Au revoir, Sac À Merde
  6. I'm not convinced, does TV stand for Television or Transvestite???
  7. You forgot that Ape Stringfellow Hawk prefers helicopters and drones which have rotor blades and not propellers. Up your fucking game so your posts have at least some foundation, if not even remotely amusing.
  8. At least he partakes in his schoolboy hobby within the confines of his bedroom whereas you like to stand 'loud and proud' in the middle of a field fiddling with any joystick you can get your polystyrene cement coated dirty little fingers on. Tamiya are cunts.
  9. I know. Hard to believe for someone like you who last purchased clothing from Mister Byrite.
  10. My mistake. An easy one to make as they do all look..., well,.....you know,....the same.
  11. All this fucking doom and gloom in the press about job losses here and there, 1200 at Harrods and Topshop, 1700 at Airbus. So fucking what, we've had over 43,000 die from Wong Flu recently so by my reckoning even taking into account the retired or just plain lazy workshy cunts in this total, we still have a lot of fucking vacancies to fill.
  12. 3 million kamikaze that oppose left wing policies are exactly what the country needs for the next BLM or Gay Pride 'protest'. Where can we get 3 million suicide vests?
  13. You'll be telling us the cats name is Sooty next. Fucking racist.
  14. I saw it as more of a place for manual apes or blue collar workers. I am a member of the Conservative Club though.
  15. Your responses are by far the best on here Ape. Don't listen to what all the other members say about you.
  16. We had a Working Mans Club near me that was in Keir Hardie Hall, looking back that seems to be a massive element of irony there.
  17. Punkers took up fishing after seeing this because he loves being rammed up the arse.
  18. Pen? Is Dawn Chorus really you? I never would have guessed, you senile, piss soaked old hag. Oh,.....hang on a minute..., yes, it's obvious now.
  19. Compared to Apes nominations they certainly are, but the bar is set extremely low.
  20. Its Harry Belafonte.
  21. Graham Linehan, the co-writer of Father fecking Ted, has been banned from Twitter for posting, or Tweeting as those cunts call it, "men aren't women tho". That's an actual statement of fact though. Men aren't women, and women aren't men unless you start performing Frankensteinesque surgery on their secret bits and even then it's still really suspect.
  22. Not since the behind closed doors enquiry. I'm in the running for a job at UNICEF.
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