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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. @Eric Cuntman knows a Kenny. They killed him, apparently.
  2. Well, you're still here. Are you telling me I gave you the wrong directions and you haven't started glowing like a gluttonous Ready Brek kid.
  3. Throughout my 6+ years of being a member of this site, I have to admit, that is the weirdest fucking thing I've read on here. Are you normal?
  4. I'm the second best on here (after Francis), why wouldn't I?
  5. Oi retard. We all know and realise political governance is a cunt and therefore most punters come on here for a little light relief from the the shit-pit the world has become thanks to the elected overlords. Therefore we want something to distract our attention from the fuck-fest by commenting on something that raises a smile like 'Lenny Henry BBC Wankfest', 'Care of the Deceased' or, the all-time classic posted by Dickless, 'The Postwick Hub (roundabouts)'.
  6. You utterly useless cunt. Your other nomination is far superior in terms of quality.
  7. I 'understand better' that government has two 'n's. Didn't they have a speak 'n' spell in the Early Learning Centre, ELC?
  8. You mean that Mr White British is now the ethnic minority, in terms of political representation.
  9. Your possessive apostrophe is in the wrong place. Bests'
  10. I'm thinking of having implants, how much shall I budget to have it done properly in the UK?
  11. No. I've been working since 12th February by walking into a job paying me the same salary as I was on. It's a bit of a cunt really as I didn't want to start until March as I had PILON until end of Jan and I had 6 weeks of holiday pay after that. I haven't even looked at my redundancy pay yet and it's just earning me about £70/month interest, that I'll have to pay fucking tax on!!
  12. Get on with your homework. It's not fucking end of term yet.
  13. Overdose the pool water with bleach and it'll gradually turn their skin white when they try it again. They'll thank you in the end.
  14. Hang them cunts with electrified cheese wire.
  15. I'm not, as I've never visited, because I fucking live there.
  16. My next fucking nom will be the useless fucking Cunts Corner search function. Yes, I did search for the topic and the only post it returned was something the Dickless bog-dweller posted.
  17. I'm surprised this isn't already up there as a nomination for a cunt. Just what the fuck is going on in some lemming-brained people's heads to want to follow these vacuous and thoroughly misguided individuals. No, it fucking isn't a job or a career, just fuck off.
  18. I've always said she's the best moderator on here. At the very top of her game and ready to react with the reflexes of a cat, a fucking comatose cat in this instance.
  19. All this deflection from yourself is making you standout like a bright pink Klingon warship with a faulty cloaking shield. Do you have any recommendations of where I can purchase a yew tree, preferably a sapling.
  20. Are you suggesting @Basil lives in a greenhouse. Not a bad shout as they do say, "methinks the thick cunt protesteth too much"
  21. Phenomenal. You thick cunt. Did you also fall off a 200ft cliff when you were in the scouts, only you landed on your head? It would explain a lot.
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