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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Fucking vile disgusting muck. Its Burger King all the way for me.
  2. That's the fucker that's been shitting on all our statues of slave traders. The little black cunt.
  3. There won't be many old cunts left over the age of 75 that the BBC can force to buy one of their licences. That's the real reason they're almost on the vinegar strokes, they're calculating the declining revenue.
  4. I had never heard of Dawn Butler before today so I guess her little unfounded rant has done the trick. Now fuck off back into your loony left, labour fucking shit hole.
  5. Well, it could have been worse. His real surname could have been 'Chalky'. HoHoHo.
  6. Is the garden on a hill and you prefer to 'tend it' upwards?
  7. If her name is Heather make sure he's got his wallet and tell her to fuck off.
  8. Didn't even get a confirmation Email to confirm my membership to the DOSBODS site, I probably should have selected a different username like Gary ArseBandit or Freddie FudgeNudger as they all appear quite effeminate and gay reviewing their post content.
  9. You mean the overcooked, burnt ones that get left at the bottom of the bag, and obviously associated with shit and lots of it.
  10. I'm pretty definite you can get yellow ones, I've seen loads of yellow snow, so why not black ones for the full on multicultural weather.
  11. He's quit his job at Radio 1 because of the use of the N word in a news report about an attack on a black NHS worker in Bristol. The N word was used to describe the language that was used in the attack to reinforce the context that it was definitely a racist attack, even the family of the victim who are also black, endorsed its use in the news report. This fucking black snowflake has got offended on behalf of fuck knows who because he cannot understand the context of the use of the word. I would be interested to hear what Reginald D Hunter thinks.
  12. It reminds me of the other TV freak Reuben DeMaid but at least he hasn't gone full-on tranny and had his meat & two veg butchered.
  13. My mistake, made by a bunch of criminals from the other side of the planet. The BBC don't have to buy shit like this to broadcast to kids though, they might as well broadcast re-runs of Jim'll Fix It. It also doesn't distract from the point of the nom. that being the BBC poofters and deviants that think its acceptable to broadcast to children a subject that probably less than 0.1% of the population can, or wants, to know about.
  14. Keeping car body workshops in business?
  15. I got talking to an old lag once who had served time for drug related activities and he basically said business is business, whereby the police would agree to allow a certain amount of organised drug business from the kingpins in return for occasionally offering up a small cog in their wheel as a sort of sacrificial lamb to keep the coppers happy and their arrest figures reasonable. Trust me, if there's money to be made you will have both sides of the law making their cut of the profits.
  16. If I was running a school as a business for my own ends rather than concerning myself with delivering a broad curriculum it would be the work of art every time. You potentially have an asset that will appreciate over time and the annual running costs are an insurance premium. A swimming pool is fucking expensive to build and run but the benefits to education is incomparable. What a bunch of selfish fuckwits they sound.
  17. It's only a matter of time before the BBC hunts out a Bruce Jenner style freak to host a sport or cookery programme, assuming they're not busy on CBeebies.
  18. Just caught an advert for a new childrens BBC series called First Day, here's the synopsis of episode 1. 'Hannah Bradford, a 12-year-old transgender girl, is nervous about starting at a new school. It doesn’t take her long to make friends, and she discovers the first day of high school is difficult for everyone.' Who the fuck do the BBC think they are using my licence fee making shit like this? In my opinion this is only slightly better than spending money to harbour paedophiles.
  19. I was a school governor once and there were 3 people on the board that were a fucking shit waste of skin and bone. 1 was a Labour councillor (say no more), 1 was an old woman who was only interested in making cakes for governors meetings and the other was as deaf as a post and thick as shit. Shortly after I arrived we sacked the headteacher for compiling such a fucking useless board of governors and then we got rid of the dead wood. I resigned 2 years later after the school was transformed and my creation went to high school.
  20. Actually I was looking for entertainment options for an under 5's birthday party.
  21. I can't post any pictures so go fuck yourself. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/5320992/drag-queen-school-flow-job-pictures-children-parents/ Invited a drag queen called Flow Job in to read stories to kids. WTF?
  22. I've just joined this DOSBODS site to see if they are inundated with faux posh boy bum bandits and model helicopter enthusiasts that I can converse with.
  23. I don't think I've had the displeasure of this XYY geezer. He comes across as a bit of a gay, could be why, you all know I fucking hate poofters.
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