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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Well, stick your hand in your pocket and pay a bit more for your rent boys and then they may not have to resort to wearing their mums knickers when they're sinking one in the 20th.
  2. I think you've got to be thankful for small mercies Ape. At least the cunt picked the dog shit up which is comparable to when man first stood on his legs and started walking. Unfortunately this dog Walker sounds the sort of cunt who still hasn't worked out how to pick his knuckles up.
  3. I was going to put a separate nomination up for the two useless cunts Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield. Yes, the Ben and Jerry's ice cream brand have been virtue signalling on social media by calling out the UKGov on migrant crossings. Stick to making shit, overpriced ice cream you cunts. We know you're not paying for advertising on Twatter or Faecesbook so don't try and get it free by posting bollocks you know fuck all about. How long will it be before migrants turn up with Ben & Jerry's endorsed life jackets?? Fucking bunch of absolute cunts. Don't buy the shit, Sainsburys Basic ice cream is the way to go.
  4. And another thing, you couldn't afford the filtering system and you'd probably find it cheaper to rip all of ChildeHarolds teeth out rather than risk incineration of mercury amalgam fillings. In itself, not a bad idea.
  5. I think you'll find its EU emissions since it's all Euro4, Euro5, Euro6 etc..standards. I'm no expert though, very much like yourself.
  6. More good news. Apparently a ship has been wrecked in Libya that's got 'dozens of migrants onboard'. That's dozens less that are going to be coming over here in a week or two.
  7. You under-achieving no-hoper. 50? Fucking 50? What about 4,499 of his mates, which coincidentally is the same number of illegals that have arrived in the UK this year.
  8. This is by far the best image I have seen of this despicable witch. What would you do with the less photogenic images. I personally think you could use her mouth to remove barnacles from the hulls of ships.
  9. You tight cunt. Don't you know you can avoid all this if you're flying via Heathrow, for a meagre £150 per person you can be tested on your way back in. Don't get too excited though as your £150 is only testing for Covid and not AIDS or some other bumders disease.
  10. No, not the sort of detention that thick cunts like Ape used to get at school but the action taken to prevent hordes of unwashed dusky types visiting our shores escaping persecution from our Froggy neighbours. A 16yr old has washed up on the beach in Calais apparently after an unsuccessful (depends on your point of view) attempt to cross the channel. This Bella is a cunt because she says "Priti Patels toxic policy to deny safe routes to the UK caused this feral youngsters death." Fuck off you dim-witted slag. It's the belief that this individual can make it 20ish miles across one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world on a lilo is what led to its death oh, and the fact there's also a bunch of cunts taking their money giving them a buoyancy aid and pointing them in the rough direction of Dover.
  11. The gutter press media have got a lot of blood on their hands, first Princess Di and now Caroline Flack. If I was in the Flack family (thank fuck I'm not as I think I would prefer Epstein as a surname) I would look for compensation from the press for vicarious liability.
  12. I suppose it's meant to be a bit more informal to try and make you feel relaxed. What gets on my fucking tits are the people who start work Emails with the word 'Hey ******' not a 'Hi' or a 'Good Morning' but something that's akin to your mates calling you across a crowded bar. People who do this are disrespectful cunts and it's not cool.
  13. As much as I hate to agree with Ape, he does have a point in that you are a bit of a dribbling spastic fucktard. Who the fuck watches snooker nowadays other than closet homos who like to watch players wanking their cues while oogling their opponents arse.
  14. I'm fortunate to live near Wex Photography and their courses make the likes of Jessops and LCE look like amateurs.
  15. It won't be just pointing, or exposing, your Box Brownie (the camera, you filthy bitch) through a glory hole and clicking away. It will be about the history of photography and various famous photographers and their respective styles.
  16. The French deliberately increased their Covid cases because they all wanted the symptom of a loss of smell so they couldn't smell the garlic infused BO of the next French cunt. Hardly surprising statistics for a nation of unwashed dirty cunts.
  17. Harold you fucking childe. Any more shit like this then the resident faux Frenchman Scrotes will discard his current favourite goose and want to ravage your rectum instead. If you really have that much admiration for the French just offer to suck their cocks like Scrotes does.
  18. I suppose you could even say the UK Government are still heavily involved in the slave trade with the only difference being it's with our own people rather than any worthless foreigners.
  19. All this fiasco about A-level grades has got me wondering and, to quote the original post from Lady Penelope, "Could it simply be that they are all thick cunts"
  20. Can't you do a Robert Maxwell off the stern?
  21. They don't sell Rochefort 10 in bottles in any of the supermarkets near me, I have to go to the Belgian Monk in Norwich if I fancy that.
  22. Actually I've moved onto strong Belgian lagers like Duvel until we fully Brexit and the prices sky rocket. And, my prostate must be the size of a Lard Lad doughnut as I can only dream of my bladder accommodating half a dozen cans.
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