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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Yes, but the cost of some petrol and a box of matches is cheaper than looking after a dog and I don't think a dog exists which could kill 6 kids before the Bizzies turned up.
  2. At least it was their own sprog and not someone else's. That'll learn 'em.
  3. Tango Whiskey Alpha Tango
  4. I do try Mong Boy, but you're just too good at being shit.
  5. Really? I could crush an Ape. The shit stabbing one or the other one that is quite often referred to as Punky on here.
  6. I 'herd' you are described as a thick illiterate cunt.
  7. I expect to see Lewis wearing a T-shirt calling for justice for these two at the next Grand Prix. The double standards little fuck weasle.
  8. Oh my. You sound like a real hard nut Steve. I do hope our paths don't cross also as I would be terribly frightened of such a man of sheer manliness like yourself. Don't be too disheartened Steve, cosmetic surgeons can even make your tiny cock look half reasonable.
  9. Welcome to the corner Steve. With that piss poor first effort I think you may have to 'do an Amanda' to get accepted, that is, try and befriend a more popular member and use them to get what you want. You know, like when she got shacked up with Les Dennis just to open doors into showbiz for her because she had no discernible talent herself. Fuck off.
  10. If Panzy had a pillow fight he'd probably choke to death on a feather.
  11. Well done Childe on a perfect nomination. You fucking mong.
  12. Did he die of Covid after getting run over by the 06:15 freight train to Exeter?
  13. You had better wise up you old prick or the next time you're stiff it won't be because of Viagra.
  14. What? The bird In bed? Could be, but she doesn't look like she loves cock like Frank obviously does.
  15. America's fucked and we ought to be setting up free trade deals with Mexico and Cuba just to fuck them off. I would suggest Canada as well but they speak French and everyone knows they're cunts.
  16. ....your brown eye, he's coming in hard!, the dirty raving poof.
  17. Could somebody confirm if this is definitely a girl.
  18. These 4x4 mongs are really in their element when we get some snow on the roads when everyone else is driving to the conditions doing about 15mph and one of these comes hurtling past at 40mph. The stupid cunts don't realise that every fucking car on the road has 4 wheel braking even if they don't have 4 wheel drive. One heavy touch of the brakes and it'll be sliding into the nearest ditch like any other fucking tin box on the road. Fucking thick twats.
  19. If it was Withers there would have been a whole swarm of flies, not just one, those big clumsy ones who can't eat enough shit.
  20. No mention of a magical ring and I can't imagine Israelis saying, winter is coming. Sounds like a really shit movie, I'm out.
  21. I drank Cresta. Anything advertised by a polar bear has got to be a real mans tipple. As for Irn Bru, I don't know where you can go from here, Babycham perhaps?, or Buckfast.
  22. Or a boat load of unwashed browns running around after just disembarking their dinghy at the elation of getting away from that shit country full of garlic munching frogs.
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