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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. I have two cars, a summer one and a winter runabout. The winter vehicle is a 1.0 litre, 3 cylinder that kicks out 67 bhp so you would struggle doing a wheel spin even on ice. The summer vehicle is a mid engined convertible that fucks off pretty much everything else on four wheels. I wouldn't be seen dead in a Disco.... or a hearse.
  2. I fucking hope so. Spread betters make my fucking piss boil and are no better than venture capitalist vultures that circle a failing company.
  3. At least get his fucking name right, you retarded fucking mongloid. It's JIM Ratcliffe
  4. Never heard of the cunt. But I guess that's a good thing if he was a spy.
  5. Oh, an AIDS or Covid sweepstake. Put me down for a fiver on one of the arse bandits getting AIDS.
  6. Remember to black up first if you want to be rescued though.
  7. Dave Umbongo


    I think it all depends on what Tier you're in.
  8. I don't think it exists. You'd be better off expecting Mings decayed carcass to float and using this instead.
  9. Are you telling us you've thought about licking another woman's thrupennybit?
  10. C'mon Bella, do your stuff and give Goober a Christmas to remember.
  11. Fuck, fuck, fuck right off with your £28.22 for a Christmas fucking meal. You can have 2 courses in Wetherspoons for less than 20 quid. You don't need these charities because there's enough aid through taxation unless it's to send to some shit hole to provide a cold water tap so they don't piss and shit in the same pond they wash their clothes in.
  12. I bet you would still pay that if it had one of Dawn Chorus's 28 day eggs on it.
  13. Should have brought them an I-pad mini in November for £349 because exactly the same thing is £399 now. That'll learn 'em.
  14. I'm fucking starting early to after hearing we'll be in Tier fucking 4 from Boxing Day. I'm about 1/3rd of the way through a Chilean Merlot at the moment.
  15. It's not fucking free you stupid cunt, it's just accessible to all and everyone who works is fucking paying for it.
  16. That's why they need the trainers in the first place, so they can burn off all the calories from the fried chicken, rice & peas takeaways.
  17. Yes quite right. At least when Bob Geldof got his begging bowl out he made the effort to look as if he needed food, soap and decent clothing like the people he was campaigning for.
  18. The UK is the one voting for stricter control over it's own borders by leaving the European Union yet it's the EU countries that are exercising stricter control. How weird is that. And it's a pity the fucking garlic chomping cunts aren't as strict about people entering their shitty country on the Eastern side and maybe we won't have so many economic migrant brown fuckers camped up in Calais right now.
  19. Why the fuck would he want an SUV that looks like its been styled using Lego bricks?
  20. If you and Dawn Chorus are having goose I think it tells you all you need to know about those people. Have you two formed a Christmas bubble and got a sharing platter?
  21. I'm having bat. As they say, a billion chinks can't be wrong.
  22. What sort of degenerated, perverted mind comes up with this scenario unless you had actually considered it yourself. You sick fuck.
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