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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. Did he smoke through his mouth or his trunk?
  2. Fucking hell. Have you just found The Bob Monkhouse Book of Jokes 1965 - 1967 while clearing out your attic.
  3. Of course I have, the cream always rises to the top and I'm feeling like I've just stepped out of Bobby Ewings shower. Pay increase this month too. No chance of repossessing the bungalow as I own it but I'm thinking of getting out of the rental market because it's not as tax efficient anymore - what do you think?
  4. Just imagine what sort of mixture of poor grade pet food and shitty non-stick glue this horse would be if it was called I Am Decimus instead.
  5. Sounds like they could be a dyslexic relation of ours with their surname.
  6. I take the piss out of you too only your special needs and ASD prevents you from realising it. You're the best on here, Wolfie.
  7. Now be fair. I wasn't the first one to mention Daddy. Read the post, you wanker.
  8. I think you have me confused with your daddy.
  9. I expect you will get a rebate purely for absorbing much more than you discharge. Work it out, you pillow-biting freak.
  10. I feel thoroughly violated that you've thought about my spunk - and considered punters thinking about dog scat was bad enough. You're one sick fucking puppy. Fuck off.
  11. A.I. The thick cunt could never construct metrical structured sentences like that without help and a lot of wax crayons.
  12. They spell it, Gay-Lick
  13. She wouldn't be the least bit interested in a verbose cunt like you anyhow. You would have more luck with a Jo. Brand or Lycett, you stupid cunt.
  14. I wouldn't fucking worry about 250 cunts dying each week because they're being replaced by brown bastard rag-heads in dinghies at a rate of about 450 per day. Although, we've been told that a lot of these are doctors and will be providing treatment rather than receiving it. Fucking load of bollocks.
  15. Rose Matafeo is quite amusing for a female comedian and she's not too bad on the eye either. I fucking would. Sarah Pascoe would be a distant second, because all the others are right munters.
  16. I would rather they just airbrushed out the confused ones who don't know whether they're a bloke or a bird. At least the mongs are relatively happy if they've either got a cock, or a fanny and tits.
  17. Put it this way, if Qweer Starmer and this Olly Alexander were in my gun sights, and I only had one bullet I would get Olly to stand in front so the bullet would kill him first.
  18. I see this arse - bandit, although gayer than Christmas, is still a money-grabbing, fame hungry cunt with morals as flexible as the Don of Trumpton, otherwise he would be boycotting another 15 minutes of fame in the Eurovision. Isn't it nice to know that whether you're gay, bi, sis, trans, xyz....etc we're essentially all the same when it comes to standing your ground........, but only when it suits you personally.
  19. How the fuck would I do that, I don't even know what pub the cunt drinks in.
  20. Do you think it would be okay for me to take a shit on the door step of Anglian Waters' head office on the way home from the pub tonight??
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