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Dave Umbongo

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Everything posted by Dave Umbongo

  1. At least Harold knows where he can now get an anatomically correctly sized sex doll for his little penis.
  2. And Guess Who is going to be rebranded as 'Guess What'
  3. William Sachs. Or Willie, to his friends. I haven't seen him in a while but when I did he looked old....................., and wrinkly. Fuck off.
  4. .....which fell out of Punkapes arse'
  5. The resident experts on crowns are Billy and Rollo so keep your fucking beak out. Cunt.
  6. I don't think I've ever heard the slang term of 'dry socket' used to describe it before but it's also highly unusual for you to have a tooth extracted and experience problems with your clam bucket. were you anaesthetised with gas?
  7. Could be. His spindly legs do make him almost bird like and they spend a lot of time in trees.
  8. He's right, maybe they are looking at you saying, "look, that looks like that internet video.......monkey on a bike".
  9. Duane?, Duane Dibley? Is it really you?
  10. Repeat bollox. Somebody has already nommed Weak Cunts. Man up FFS, you weak cunt.
  11. If it's that painful you might have an infection and you need to rinse with warm salty water 2-3 times a day. Trust me, it works as I've had to do it a couple of times as I haven't been to the dentist for a check up for nearly 2 years thanks to Slit-eye Fever.
  12. Can I suggest you whack yourself in the balls really hard with a mallet. It won't make the pain go away as such but I'm assured it will take your mind off it for a little while. You're welcome.
  13. she should have tried getting a bit of a tan. White priviledge strikes again.
  14. Well, having some intelligence is better than none at all, don't you think?* (* if you could think.)
  15. Have you ever had the pleasure of the company of Fenella, the Kettle Witch? I think the accent means she might be related to Spotto.
  16. I thought he was starting on a new business idea he borrowed from the Japanese involving vending machines and trousers soiled with arse gravy.
  17. You obviously don't have a sense of taste having seen those ridiculous trousers you wear and that fucking creme bin.
  18. Well, if I'm paying the wages of Klaus Schwab, I fucking own him.
  19. In reality how is this any different to the Admins allowing Childeharold to continue posting on here?
  20. Liz Carr does look a bit like Peter Jacksons prototype for Schmegel. Neil would. Just saying
  21. I guess describing a paint as Venetian is ever so slightly better than Dalmation. Good spot.
  22. The Azure Ultramarine sounds more foreign and therefore will probably appeal to a cunt like yourself.
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